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ADRIANA.Code comprises a unique combination of methods for calculating molecular descriptors on a sound geometric and physicochemical basis. These descriptors can be used for a wide range of applications in all areas of chemistry, in particular in QSAR/QSPR.
ADRIANA.Code contains a series of methods for the generation of 3D structures and the calculation of physicochemical descriptors and molecular properties based on rapid empirical models. In addition, it contains a hierarchy of increasing levels of sophistication in representing chemical compounds from the constitution to the 3D structure of a molecule. At each level, a wide range of physicochemical effects are included in the molecular descriptors. 

Available descriptors

The following tables list the descriptors that are calculated by the OCHEM web service of ADRIANA.Code.
For further details about the descriptors availaible in ADRIANA.Code, their scientific and technical background and units, please refer to the ADRIANA.Code program manual

Global molecular descriptors

Global molecular descriptors represent a chemical structure by a structural, chemical or physicochemical feature or property of the molecule expressed by a single value.
The total number of global molecular descriptors is 19.

DescriptorShort name in header line of csv descriptor fileUnitReferences
Molecular weightWeight[u], [Da][1]
Number of hydrogen bonding acceptorsHAcc-[2]
Number of oxygen atom-based hydrogen bonding acceptorsHAcc_O-[2]
Number of nitrogen atom-based hydrogen bonding acceptorsHAcc_N-[2]
Number of hydrogen bonding donorsHDon-[2]
Number of oxygen atom-based hydrogen bonding donorsHDon_O-[2]
Number of nitrogen atom-based hydrogen bonding donorsHDon_N-[2]
Octanol/water partition coefficient (logP)XlogP[log units][3]
Topological polar surface areaTPSA2][4]
Mean molecular polarizabilityPolariz3][5-8]
Molecular dipole momentDipole[Debey][9-15]
Aqueous solubility (logS)LogS[log units][16]
Number of rotatable bondsNRotBond-[17]
Number of Ro5 violationsNViolationsRo5-[2]
Number of extended Ro5 violationsNViolationsExtRo5-[2]
Number of atomsNAtoms--
Number of tetrahedral stereocentersNStereo--
Molecular complexityComplexity-[18]
Ring complexityRComplexity-[19]


Shape and size descriptors

Shape and size descriptors characterize the size and the 3D shape of a molecule, e.g., if a molecule has a more enlongated or a spherical shape. These descriptors represent a molecule by a single value.
The total number of shape- and size-related molecular descriptors is 8.

DescriptorShort name in header line of csv descriptor fileUnitReferences
Molecular diameterDiameter[Å][20]
Principal moment of inertia of 1st principal axisInertiaX[Da·Å2][21]
Principal moment of inertia of 2nd principal axisInertiaX[Da·Å2][21]
Principal moment of inertia of 3rd principal axisInertiaX[Da·Å2][21]
Molecular spanSpan[Å][22]
Molecular radius of gyrationRgyr[Å][22-23]
Molecular eccentricityEccentric[Å][21]
Molecular asphericityAspheric[Å][21]


Topological or 2D property-weighted autocorrelation descriptors

Topological or 2D property-weighted autocorrelation descriptors [24-25] are calculated from 0 - 10 topological distances (i.e., the number of bonds on the shortest path between two atoms), and sampled for each topological distance (11 distance bins). Thus, for each atom pair property a vector of 11 values (n) results.
The total number of 2D property-weighted autocorrelation descriptors is 88. The following table lists all 2D property-weighted autocorrelation descriptors.

Atom pair propertyShort name in header line of csv descriptor fileReferences
Identity, i.e., "1" for an atom2DACorr_Ident_n-
σ charge2DACorr_SigChg_n[10-11]
π charge2DACorr_PiChg_n[12-14]
Total charge2DACorr_TotChg_n[10-14]
σ electronegativity2DACorr_SigEN_n[10-11]
π electronegativity2DACorr_PiEN_n[12-14]
Lone-pair electronegativity2DACorr_LpEN_n[12-14]
Effective atom polarizability2DACorr_Polariz_n[5-8]


Spatial or 3D property-weighted autocorrelation descriptors

Spatial or 3D property-weighted autocorrelation descriptors [26-27] are calculated from 1 - 13 Å and sampled in steps of 1 Å (12 distance bins). Thus, for each atom pair property a vector of 12 values (n) results.
The total number of 3D property-weighted autocorrelation descriptors is 96. The following table lists all 3D property-weighted autocorrelation descriptors.

Atom pair propertyShort name in header line of csv descriptor fileReferences
Identity, i.e., "1" for an atom3DACorr_Ident_n-
σ charge3DACorr_SigChg_n[10-11]
π charge3DACorr_PiChg_n[12-14]
Total charge3DACorr_TotChg_n[10-14]
σ electronegativity3DACorr_SigEN_n[10-11]
π electronegativity3DACorr_PiEN_n[12-14]
Lone-pair electronegativity3DACorr_LpEN_n[12-14]
Effective atom polarizability3DACorr_Polariz_n[5-8]



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  17. (a) Yan, A.; Gasteiger, J. Prediction of Aqueous Solubility of Organic Compounds Based on a 3D Structure Representation. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 200343, 429-434. (b) Yan, A.; Gasteiger, J.; Krug, M.; Anzali, S. Linear and Nonlinear Functions on Modeling the Aqueous Solubility of Organic Compounds by Two Structure Representation Methods. J. Comput.-Aided Mol. Design 200418, 75-87. (c) Schmid, B. Deriving a Linear Model for Predicting the Solubility Coefficient for Organic Molecules. Personal Communications 2005.
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ADRIANA is a registered trademark owned by Molecular Networks GmbH, Erlangen, Germany in the Federal Republic of Germany. Other product names and company names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners, in the Federal Republic of Germany and other countries. All rights reserved.