Descriptor name | Description |
VME | molecular volume, Å3 |
SME | molecular surface, Å2 |
SMEP | weighted positively charged surface, (sum for positively charged atoms; is atomic charge) |
SMEN | weighted negatively charged surface, (sum for negatively charged atoms; is atomic charge) |
SMEPR | fraction of positively charged area, |
SMENR | fraction of negatively charged area, |
ESMEP | weighted average positively charged area, |
ESMEN | weighted average negatively charged area, |
QSMEP | weighted average positive charge of surface, |
QSMEN | weighted average positive charge of surface, |
d204 | density of compound |
DMo | dipole moment, D |
SPH | sphericity, the ratio of surface of sphere (SS) with the volume equal to the molecular volume, and the molecular surface (SM): |
VOIN1 | sum of atomic volumes, Å3 |
VOIN2 | sum of volumes of double overlaps of atomic spheres, Å3 |
VOIN2R | part of double overlaps in the molecular volume, |
VOIN3 | sum of volumes of triple overlaps of atomic spheres, Å3 |
VOIN3R | part of triple overlaps in the molecular volume, |
VOIN4 | sum of volumes of quadruple overlaps of atomic spheres, Å3 |
VOIN4R | part of quadruple overlaps in the molecular volume, |
VOIN5 | sum of volumes of fivefold overlaps of atomic spheres, Å3 |
VOIN5R | part of fivefold overlaps in the molecular volume, |
VOIN6 | sum of volumes of sixfold overlaps of atomic spheres, Å3 |
VOIN6R | part of sixfold overlaps in the molecular volume, |
MI1 | the minimal principal moment of inertia, a.u. |
MI2 | the middle principal moment of inertia, a.u. |
MI3 | the maximal principal moment of inertia, a.u. |
IR1 | the minimal principal inertial radius, Å |
IR2 | the middle principal inertial radius, Å |
IR3 | the maximal principal inertial radius, Å |
SI12 | the minimal principal inertial section, , Å2 |
SI13 | the middle principal inertial section, , Å2 |
SI23 | the maximal principal inertial section, , Å2 |
PI12 | proportion of molecule in the space of principal rotational invariants, |
PI13 | proportion of molecule in the space of principal rotational invariants, |
PI23 | proportion of molecule in the space of principal rotational invariants, |
DISS1 | dissymmetry about the first principal rotational invariant. The dissymmetry is calculated as the third moment (skewness), i.e. (N – number of atoms;xi is the first coordinate of ith atom in the space of principal rotational invariants), Å3 |
DISS2 | dissymmetry about the second principal rotational invariant, (N – number of atoms; yi is the second coordinate of ith atom in the space of principal rotational invariants), Å3 |
DISS3 | dissymmetry about the third principal rotational invariant, (N – number of atoms; zi is the third coordinate of ith atom in the space of principal rotational invariants), Å3 |