Versions Compared


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Descriptor nameDescription
VMEmolecular volume, Å3
SMEmolecular surface, Å2
SMEPweighted positively charged surface,  (sum for positively charged atoms;  is atomic charge)
SMENweighted negatively charged surface,  (sum for negatively charged atoms;  is atomic charge)
SMEPRfraction of positively charged area, 
SMENRfraction of negatively charged area, 
ESMEPweighted average positively charged area, 
ESMENweighted average negatively charged area, 
QSMEPweighted average positive charge of surface, 
QSMENweighted average positive charge of surface, 
d204density of compound 
DModipole moment, D
SPHsphericity, the ratio of surface of sphere (SS) with the volume equal to the molecular volume, and the molecular surface (SM): 
VOIN1sum of atomic volumes, Å3
VOIN2sum of volumes of double overlaps of atomic spheres, Å3
VOIN2Rpart of double overlaps in the molecular volume, 
VOIN3sum of volumes of triple overlaps of atomic spheres, Å3
VOIN3Rpart of triple overlaps in the molecular volume, 
VOIN4sum of volumes of quadruple overlaps of atomic spheres, Å3
VOIN4Rpart of quadruple overlaps in the molecular volume, 
VOIN5sum of volumes of fivefold overlaps of atomic spheres, Å3
VOIN5Rpart of fivefold overlaps in the molecular volume, 
VOIN6sum of volumes of sixfold overlaps of atomic spheres, Å3
VOIN6Rpart of sixfold overlaps in the molecular volume, Image RemovedImage Added
MI1the minimal principal moment of inertia, a.u.
MI2the middle principal moment of inertia, a.u.
MI3the maximal principal moment of inertia, a.u.
IR1the minimal principal inertial radius, Å
IR2the middle principal inertial radius, Å
IR3the maximal principal inertial radius, Å
SI12the minimal principal inertial section, , Å2
SI13the middle principal inertial section, , Å2
SI23the maximal principal inertial section, , Å2
PI12proportion of molecule in the space of principal rotational invariants, 
PI13proportion of molecule in the space of principal rotational invariants, 
PI23proportion of molecule in the space of principal rotational invariants, 

dissymmetry about the first principal rotational invariant. The dissymmetry is calculated as the third moment (skewness), i.e.  

(N – number of atoms;xi is the first coordinate of ith atom in the space of principal rotational invariants), Å3


dissymmetry about the second principal rotational invariant,  

(N – number of atoms; yi is the second coordinate of ith atom in the space of principal rotational invariants), Å3


dissymmetry about the third principal rotational invariant,  

(N – number of atoms; zi is the third coordinate of ith atom in the space of principal rotational invariants), Å3
