Versions Compared


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Full list of alvaDesc descriptors

1MWmolecular weightConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
2AMWaverage molecular weightConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
3Svsum of atomic van der Waals volumes (scaled on Carbon atom)Constitutional indicesBasic descriptors
4Sesum of atomic Sanderson electronegativities (scaled on Carbon atom)Constitutional indicesBasic descriptors
5Spsum of atomic polarizabilities (scaled on Carbon atom)Constitutional indicesBasic descriptors
6Sisum of first ionization potentials (scaled on Carbon atom)Constitutional indicesBasic descriptors
7Mvmean atomic van der Waals volume (scaled on Carbon atom)Constitutional indicesBasic descriptors
8Memean atomic Sanderson electronegativity (scaled on Carbon atom)Constitutional indicesBasic descriptors
9Mpmean atomic polarizability (scaled on Carbon atom)Constitutional indicesBasic descriptors
10Mimean first ionization potential (scaled on Carbon atom)Constitutional indicesBasic descriptors
11GDgraph densityConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
12nATnumber of atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
13nSKnumber of non-H atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
14nTAnumber of terminal atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
15nBTnumber of bondsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
16nBOnumber of non-H bondsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
17nBMnumber of multiple bondsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
18SCBOsum of conventional bond orders (H-depleted)Constitutional indicesBasic descriptors
19RBNnumber of rotatable bondsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
20RBFrotatable bond fractionConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
21nDBnumber of double bondsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
22nTBnumber of triple bondsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
23nABnumber of aromatic bondsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
24nHnumber of Hydrogen atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
25nCnumber of Carbon atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
26nNnumber of Nitrogen atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
27nOnumber of Oxygen atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
28nPnumber of Phosphorous atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
29nSnumber of Sulfur atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
30nFnumber of Fluorine atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
31nCLnumber of Chlorine atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
32nBRnumber of Bromine atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
33nInumber of Iodine atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
34nBnumber of Boron atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
35nHMnumber of heavy atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
36nHetnumber of heteroatomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
37nXnumber of halogen atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
38H%percentage of H atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
39C%percentage of C atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
40N%percentage of N atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
41O%percentage of O atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
42X%percentage of halogen atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
43nCsp3number of sp3 hybridized Carbon atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
44nCsp2number of sp2 hybridized Carbon atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
45nCspnumber of sp hybridized Carbon atomsConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
46max_conj_pathmaximum number of atoms that can be in conjugation with each otherConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
47nStructuresnumber of disconnected structuresConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
48totalchargetotal chargeConstitutional indicesBasic descriptors
49nCICnumber of rings (cyclomatic number)Ring descriptorsBasic descriptors
50nCIRnumber of circuitsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
51TRStotal ring sizeRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
52Rperimring perimeterRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
53Rbridring bridge countRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
54MCDmolecular cyclized degreeRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
55RFDring fusion densityRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
56RCIring complexity indexRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
57NRSnumber of ring systemsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
58NNRSnormalized number of ring systemsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
59nR03number of 3-membered ringsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
60nR04number of 4-membered ringsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
61nR05number of 5-membered ringsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
62nR06number of 6-membered ringsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
63nR07number of 7-membered ringsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
64nR08number of 8-membered ringsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
65nR09number of 9-membered ringsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
66nR10number of 10-membered ringsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
67nR11number of 11-membered ringsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
68nR12number of 12-membered ringsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
69nBnznumber of benzene-like ringsRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
70ARRaromatic ratioRing descriptorsBasic descriptors
71D/Dtr03distance/detour ring index of order 3Ring descriptorsBasic descriptors
72D/Dtr04distance/detour ring index of order 4Ring descriptorsBasic descriptors
73D/Dtr05distance/detour ring index of order 5Ring descriptorsBasic descriptors
74D/Dtr06distance/detour ring index of order 6Ring descriptorsBasic descriptors
75D/Dtr07distance/detour ring index of order 7Ring descriptorsBasic descriptors
76D/Dtr08distance/detour ring index of order 8Ring descriptorsBasic descriptors
77D/Dtr09distance/detour ring index of order 9Ring descriptorsBasic descriptors
78D/Dtr10distance/detour ring index of order 10Ring descriptorsBasic descriptors
79D/Dtr11distance/detour ring index of order 11Ring descriptorsBasic descriptors
80D/Dtr12distance/detour ring index of order 12Ring descriptorsBasic descriptors
81ZM1first Zagreb indexTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
82ZM1Vfirst Zagreb index by valence vertex degreesTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
83ZM1Kupfirst Zagreb index by Kupchik vertex degreesTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
84ZM1Madfirst Zagreb index by Madan vertex degreesTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
85ZM1Perfirst Zagreb index by perturbation vertex degreesTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
86ZM1MulPerfirst Zagreb index by multiplicative perturbation vertex degreesTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
87ZM2second Zagreb indexTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
88ZM2Vsecond Zagreb index by valence vertex degreesTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
89ZM2Kupsecond Zagreb index by Kupchik vertex degreesTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
90ZM2Madsecond Zagreb index by Madan vertex degreesTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
91ZM2Persecond Zagreb index by perturbation vertex degreesTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
92ZM2MulPersecond Zagreb index by multiplicative perturbation vertex degreesTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
93ON0overall modified Zagreb index of order 0Topological indicesVertex degree-based indices
94ON0Voverall modified Zagreb index of order 0 by valence vertex degreesTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
95ON1overall modified Zagreb index of order 1Topological indicesVertex degree-based indices
96ON1Voverall modified Zagreb index of order 1 by valence vertex degreesTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
97Qindexquadratic indexTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
98BBIBertz branching indexTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
99DBIDragon branching indexTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
100SNarNarumi simple topological index (log function)Topological indicesVertex degree-based indices
101HNarNarumi harmonic topological indexTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
102GNarNarumi geometric topological indexTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
103Xttotal structure connectivity indexTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
104DzPogliani indexTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
105Ramramification indexTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
106BLIKier benzene-likeliness indexTopological indicesVertex degree-based indices
107Polpolarity numberTopological indicesDistance-based indices
108LPRSlog of product of row sums (PRS)Topological indicesDistance-based indices
109MSDmean square distance index (Balaban)Topological indicesDistance-based indices
110SPIsuperpendentic indexTopological indicesDistance-based indices
111PJI22D Petitjean shape indexTopological indicesDistance-based indices
112ECCeccentricityTopological indicesDistance-based indices
113AECCaverage eccentricityTopological indicesDistance-based indices
114DECCeccentricTopological indicesDistance-based indices
115MDDDmean distance degree deviationTopological indicesDistance-based indices
116UNIPunipolarityTopological indicesDistance-based indices
117CENTcentralizationTopological indicesDistance-based indices
118VARvariationTopological indicesDistance-based indices
119ICRradial centric information indexTopological indicesDistance-based indices
120MaxTDmax topological distanceTopological indicesDistance-based indices
121MeanTDmean pairwise topological distanceTopological indicesDistance-based indices
122MaxDDmax detour distanceTopological indicesDistance-based indices
123MeanDDmean pairwise detour distanceTopological indicesDistance-based indices
124SMTISchultz Molecular Topological Index (MTI)Topological indicesMTI indices
125SMTIVSchultz Molecular Topological Index by valence vertex degreesTopological indicesMTI indices
126GMTIGutman Molecular Topological IndexTopological indicesMTI indices
127GMTIVGutman Molecular Topological Index by valence vertex degreesTopological indicesMTI indices
128XuXu indexTopological indicesMTI indices
129CSIeccentric connectivity indexTopological indicesMTI indices
130Wapall-path Wiener indexTopological indicesPath/walk indices
131S1K1-path Kier alpha-modified shape indexTopological indicesPath/walk indices
132S2K2-path Kier alpha-modified shape indexTopological indicesPath/walk indices
133S3K3-path Kier alpha-modified shape indexTopological indicesPath/walk indices
134PHIKier flexibility indexTopological indicesPath/walk indices
135PW2path/walk 2 - Randic shape indexTopological indicesPath/walk indices
136PW3path/walk 3 - Randic shape indexTopological indicesPath/walk indices
137PW4path/walk 4 - Randic shape indexTopological indicesPath/walk indices
138PW5path/walk 5 - Randic shape indexTopological indicesPath/walk indices
139MAXDNmaximal electrotopological negative variationTopological indicesE-state indices
140MAXDPmaximal electrotopological positive variationTopological indicesE-state indices
141DELSmolecular electrotopological variationTopological indicesE-state indices
142TIEE-state topological parameterTopological indicesE-state indices
143Psi_i_sintrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index - type STopological indicesE-state indices
144Psi_i_Aintrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index - type S averageTopological indicesE-state indices
145Psi_i_0intrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index - type 0Topological indicesE-state indices
146Psi_i_1intrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index - type 1Topological indicesE-state indices
147Psi_i_tintrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index - type TTopological indicesE-state indices
148Psi_i_0dintrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index - type 0dTopological indicesE-state indices
149Psi_i_1dintrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index - type 1dTopological indicesE-state indices
150Psi_i_1sintrinsic state pseudoconnectivity index - type 1sTopological indicesE-state indices
151Psi_e_Aelectrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index - type S averageTopological indicesE-state indices
152Psi_e_0electrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index - type 0Topological indicesE-state indices
153Psi_e_1electrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index - type 1Topological indicesE-state indices
154Psi_e_telectrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index - type TTopological indicesE-state indices
155Psi_e_0delectrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index - type 0dTopological indicesE-state indices
156Psi_e_1delectrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index - type 1dTopological indicesE-state indices
157Psi_e_1selectrotopological state pseudoconnectivity index - type 1sTopological indicesE-state indices
158BACBalaban centric indexTopological indicesCentric indices
159LOClopping centric indexTopological indicesCentric indices
160MWC01molecular walk count of order 1Walk and path countsWalk counts
161MWC02molecular walk count of order 2Walk and path countsWalk counts
162MWC03molecular walk count of order 3Walk and path countsWalk counts
163MWC04molecular walk count of order 4Walk and path countsWalk counts
164MWC05molecular walk count of order 5Walk and path countsWalk counts
165MWC06molecular walk count of order 6Walk and path countsWalk counts
166MWC07molecular walk count of order 7Walk and path countsWalk counts
167MWC08molecular walk count of order 8Walk and path countsWalk counts
168MWC09molecular walk count of order 9Walk and path countsWalk counts
169MWC10molecular walk count of order 10Walk and path countsWalk counts
170SRW02self-returning walk count of order 2Walk and path countsSelf-returning walk counts
171SRW03self-returning walk count of order 3Walk and path countsSelf-returning walk counts
172SRW04self-returning walk count of order 4Walk and path countsSelf-returning walk counts
173SRW05self-returning walk count of order 5Walk and path countsSelf-returning walk counts
174SRW06self-returning walk count of order 6Walk and path countsSelf-returning walk counts
175SRW07self-returning walk count of order 7Walk and path countsSelf-returning walk counts
176SRW08self-returning walk count of order 8Walk and path countsSelf-returning walk counts
177SRW09self-returning walk count of order 9Walk and path countsSelf-returning walk counts
178SRW10self-returning walk count of order 10Walk and path countsSelf-returning walk counts
179MPC01molecular path count of order 1 (no. of non-H bonds)Walk and path countsPath counts
180MPC02molecular path count of order 2 (Gordon-Scantlebury index)Walk and path countsPath counts
181MPC03molecular path count of order 3Walk and path countsPath counts
182MPC04molecular path count of order 4Walk and path countsPath counts
183MPC05molecular path count of order 5Walk and path countsPath counts
184MPC06molecular path count of order 6Walk and path countsPath counts
185MPC07molecular path count of order 7Walk and path countsPath counts
186MPC08molecular path count of order 8Walk and path countsPath counts
187MPC09molecular path count of order 9Walk and path countsPath counts
188MPC10molecular path count of order 10Walk and path countsPath counts
189piPC01molecular multiple path count of order 1Walk and path countsMultiple path counts
190piPC02molecular multiple path count of order 2Walk and path countsMultiple path counts
191piPC03molecular multiple path count of order 3Walk and path countsMultiple path counts
192piPC04molecular multiple path count of order 4Walk and path countsMultiple path counts
193piPC05molecular multiple path count of order 5Walk and path countsMultiple path counts
194piPC06molecular multiple path count of order 6Walk and path countsMultiple path counts
195piPC07molecular multiple path count of order 7Walk and path countsMultiple path counts
196piPC08molecular multiple path count of order 8Walk and path countsMultiple path counts
197piPC09molecular multiple path count of order 9Walk and path countsMultiple path counts
198piPC10molecular multiple path count of order 10Walk and path countsMultiple path counts
199TWCtotal walk countWalk and path countsID numbers
200TPCtotal path countWalk and path countsID numbers
201piIDconventional bond order ID numberWalk and path countsID numbers
202PCRratio of multiple path count over path countWalk and path countsID numbers
203PCDdifference between multiple path count and path countWalk and path countsID numbers
204CIDRandic ID numberWalk and path countsID numbers
205BIDBalaban ID numberWalk and path countsID numbers
206X0connectivity index of order 0Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
207X1connectivity index of order 1 (Randic connectivity index)Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
208X2connectivity index of order 2Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
209X3connectivity index of order 3Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
210X4connectivity index of order 4Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
211X5connectivity index of order 5Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
212X0Aaverage connectivity index of order 0Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
213X1Aaverage connectivity index of order 1Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
214X2Aaverage connectivity index of order 2Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
215X3Aaverage connectivity index of order 3Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
216X4Aaverage connectivity index of order 4Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
217X5Aaverage connectivity index of order 5Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
218X0vvalence connectivity index of order 0Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
219X1vvalence connectivity index of order 1Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
220X2vvalence connectivity index of order 2Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
221X3vvalence connectivity index of order 3Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
222X4vvalence connectivity index of order 4Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
223X5vvalence connectivity index of order 5Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
224X0Avaverage valence connectivity index of order 0Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
225X1Avaverage valence connectivity index of order 1Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
226X2Avaverage valence connectivity index of order 2Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
227X3Avaverage valence connectivity index of order 3Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
228X4Avaverage valence connectivity index of order 4Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
229X5Avaverage valence connectivity index of order 5Connectivity indicesKier-Hall molecular connectivity indices
230X0solsolvation connectivity index of order 0Connectivity indicesSolvation connectivity indices
231X1solsolvation connectivity index of order 1Connectivity indicesSolvation connectivity indices
232X2solsolvation connectivity index of order 2Connectivity indicesSolvation connectivity indices
233X3solsolvation connectivity index of order 3Connectivity indicesSolvation connectivity indices
234X4solsolvation connectivity index of order 4Connectivity indicesSolvation connectivity indices
235X5solsolvation connectivity index of order 5Connectivity indicesSolvation connectivity indices
236XMODmodified Randic indexConnectivity indicesRandic-like connectivity indices
237RDCHIreciprocal distance sum Randic-like indexConnectivity indicesRandic-like connectivity indices
238RDSQreciprocal distance sum inverse Randic-like indexConnectivity indicesRandic-like connectivity indices
239X1KupKupchik connectivity indexConnectivity indicesRandic-like connectivity indices
240X1Madconnectivity topochemical indexConnectivity indicesRandic-like connectivity indices
241X1Perperturbation connectivity indexConnectivity indicesRandic-like connectivity indices
242X1MulPermultiplicative perturbation connectivity indexConnectivity indicesRandic-like connectivity indices
243ISIZinformation index on molecular sizeInformation indicesBasic descriptors
244IACtotal information index on atomic compositionInformation indicesBasic descriptors
245AACmean information index on atomic compositionInformation indicesBasic descriptors
246IDEmean information content on the distance equalityInformation indicesBasic descriptors
247IDMmean information content on the distance magnitudeInformation indicesBasic descriptors
248IDDEmean information content on the distance degree equalityInformation indicesBasic descriptors
249IDDMmean information content on the distance degree magnitudeInformation indicesBasic descriptors
250IDETtotal information content on the distance equalityInformation indicesBasic descriptors
251IDMTtotal information content on the distance magnitudeInformation indicesBasic descriptors
252IVDEmean information content on the vertex degree equalityInformation indicesBasic descriptors
253IVDMmean information content on the vertex degree magnitudeInformation indicesBasic descriptors
254GesNumber of symmetry classes (based on electrotopological state)Information indicesBasic descriptors
255rGesRelative number of symmetry classes (based on electrotopological state)Information indicesBasic descriptors
256S0KKier symmetry indexInformation indicesBasic descriptors
257HVcpxgraph vertex complexity indexInformation indicesBasic descriptors
258HDcpxgraph distance complexity index (log function)Information indicesBasic descriptors
259UindexBalaban U indexInformation indicesBasic descriptors
260VindexBalaban V indexInformation indicesBasic descriptors
261XindexBalaban X indexInformation indicesBasic descriptors
262YindexBalaban Y indexInformation indicesBasic descriptors
263IC0Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
264IC1Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 1-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
265IC2Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 2-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
266IC3Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 3-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
267IC4Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 4-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
268IC5Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 5-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
269TIC0Total Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
270TIC1Total Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 1-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
271TIC2Total Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 2-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
272TIC3Total Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 3-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
273TIC4Total Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 4-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
274TIC5Total Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 5-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
275SIC0Structural Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
276SIC1Structural Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 1-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
277SIC2Structural Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 2-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
278SIC3Structural Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 3-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
279SIC4Structural Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 4-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
280SIC5Structural Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 5-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
281CIC0Complementary Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
282CIC1Complementary Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 1-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
283CIC2Complementary Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 2-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
284CIC3Complementary Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 3-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
285CIC4Complementary Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 4-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
286CIC5Complementary Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 5-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
287BIC0Bond Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 0-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
288BIC1Bond Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 1-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
289BIC2Bond Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 2-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
290BIC3Bond Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 3-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
291BIC4Bond Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 4-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
292BIC5Bond Information Content index (neighborhood symmetry of 5-order)Information indicesIndices of neighborhood symmetry
293J_ABalaban-like index from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
294SpPos_Aspectral positive sum from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
295SpPosA_Anormalized spectral positive sum from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
296SpPosLog_Alogarithmic spectral positive sum from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
297SpMax_Aleading eigenvalue from adjacency matrix (Lovasz-Pelikan index)2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
298SpMaxA_Anormalized leading eigenvalue from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
299SpDiam_Aspectral diameter from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
300SpAD_Aspectral absolute deviation from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
301SpMAD_Aspectral mean absolute deviation from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
302Ho_AHosoya-like index (log function) from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
303EE_AEstrada-like index (log function) from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
304VE1_Acoefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
305VE2_Aaverage coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
306VE3_Alogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
307VE1sign_Acoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
308VE2sign_Aaverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
309VE3sign_Alogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
310VR1_ARandic-like eigenvector-based index from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
311VR2_Anormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
312VR3_Alogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from adjacency matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsAdjacency matrix (A)
313Wi_DWiener-like index from topological distance matrix (Wiener index)2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
314WiA_Daverage Wiener-like index from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
315AVS_Daverage vertex sum from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
316H_DHarary-like index from topological distance matrix (Harary index)2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
317Chi_DRandic-like index from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
318ChiA_Daverage Randic-like index from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
319J_DBalaban-like index from topological distance matrix (Balaban distance connectivity index)2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
320HyWi_Dhyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
321SpPos_Dspectral positive sum from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
322SpPosA_Dnormalized spectral positive sum from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
323SpPosLog_Dlogarithmic spectral positive sum from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
324SpMax_Dleading eigenvalue from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
325SpMaxA_Dnormalized leading eigenvalue from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
326SpDiam_Dspectral diameter from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
327SpAD_Dspectral absolute deviation from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
328SpMAD_Dspectral mean absolute deviation from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
329Ho_DHosoya-like index (log function) from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
330EE_DEstrada-like index (log function) from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
331SM2_Dspectral moment of order 2 from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
332SM3_Dspectral moment of order 3 from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
333SM4_Dspectral moment of order 4 from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
334SM5_Dspectral moment of order 5 from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
335SM6_Dspectral moment of order 6 from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
336VE1_Dcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
337VE2_Daverage coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
338VE3_Dlogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
339VE1sign_Dcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
340VE2sign_Daverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
341VE3sign_Dlogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
342VR1_DRandic-like eigenvector-based index from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
343VR2_Dnormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
344VR3_Dlogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from topological distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsTopological distance matrix (D)
345QW_Lquasi-Wiener index (Kirchhoff number) from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
346TI1_Lfirst Mohar index from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
347TI2_Lsecond Mohar index from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
348STN_Lspanning tree number (log function) from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
349SpPos_Lspectral positive sum from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
350SpPosA_Lnormalized spectral positive sum from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
351SpPosLog_Llogarithmic spectral positive sum from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
352SpMax_Lleading eigenvalue from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
353SpMaxA_Lnormalized leading eigenvalue from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
354SpDiam_Lspectral diameter from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
355SpAD_Lspectral absolute deviation from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
356SpMAD_Lspectral mean absolute deviation from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
357Ho_LHosoya-like index (log function) from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
358EE_LEstrada-like index (log function) from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
359SM2_Lspectral moment of order 2 from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
360SM3_Lspectral moment of order 3 from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
361SM4_Lspectral moment of order 4 from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
362SM5_Lspectral moment of order 5 from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
363SM6_Lspectral moment of order 6 from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
364VE1_Lcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
365VE2_Laverage coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
366VE3_Llogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
367VE1sign_Lcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
368VE2sign_Laverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
369VE3sign_Llogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
370VR1_LRandic-like eigenvector-based index from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
371VR2_Lnormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
372VR3_Llogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Laplace matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsLaplace matrix (L)
373AVS_Xaverage vertex sum from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
374H_XHarary-like index from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
375Chi_XRandic-like index from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
376ChiA_Xaverage Randic-like index from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
377J_XBalaban-like index from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
378HyWi_Xhyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
379SpPos_Xspectral positive sum from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
380SpPosA_Xnormalized spectral positive sum from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
381SpPosLog_Xlogarithmic spectral positive sum from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
382SpMax_Xleading eigenvalue from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
383SpMaxA_Xnormalized leading eigenvalue from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
384SpDiam_Xspectral diameter from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
385SpAD_Xspectral absolute deviation from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
386SpMAD_Xspectral mean absolute deviation from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
387Ho_XHosoya-like index (log function) from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
388EE_XEstrada-like index (log function) from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
389SM2_Xspectral moment of order 2 from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
390SM3_Xspectral moment of order 3 from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
391SM4_Xspectral moment of order 4 from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
392SM5_Xspectral moment of order 5 from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
393SM6_Xspectral moment of order 6 from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
394VE1_Xcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
395VE2_Xaverage coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
396VE3_Xlogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
397VE1sign_Xcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
398VE2sign_Xaverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
399VE3sign_Xlogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
400VR1_XRandic-like eigenvector-based index from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
401VR2_Xnormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
402VR3_Xlogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from chi matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsChi matrix (X)
403Wi_H2Wiener-like index from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
404WiA_H2average Wiener-like index from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
405AVS_H2average vertex sum from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
406Chi_H2Randic-like index from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
407ChiA_H2average Randic-like index from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
408J_H2Balaban-like index from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
409HyWi_H2hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
410SpPos_H2spectral positive sum from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
411SpPosA_H2normalized spectral positive sum from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
412SpPosLog_H2logarithmic spectral positive sum from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
413SpMax_H2leading eigenvalue from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
414SpMaxA_H2normalized leading eigenvalue from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
415SpDiam_H2spectral diameter from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
416SpAD_H2spectral absolute deviation from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
417SpMAD_H2spectral mean absolute deviation from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
418Ho_H2Hosoya-like index (log function) from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
419EE_H2Estrada-like index (log function) from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
420SM2_H2spectral moment of order 2 from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
421SM3_H2spectral moment of order 3 from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
422SM4_H2spectral moment of order 4 from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
423SM5_H2spectral moment of order 5 from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
424SM6_H2spectral moment of order 6 from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
425VE1_H2coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
426VE2_H2average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
427VE3_H2logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
428VE1sign_H2coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
429VE2sign_H2average coefficient of the last eigenvector from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
430VE3sign_H2logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
431VR1_H2Randic-like eigenvector-based index from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
432VR2_H2normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
433VR3_H2logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from reciprocal squared distance matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared distance matrix (H2)
434Wi_DtWiener-like index from detour matrix (detour index)2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
435WiA_Dtaverage Wiener-like index from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
436AVS_Dtaverage vertex sum from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
437H_DtHarary-like index from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
438Chi_DtRandic-like index from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
439ChiA_Dtaverage Randic-like index from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
440J_DtBalaban-like index from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
441HyWi_Dthyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
442SpPos_Dtspectral positive sum from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
443SpPosA_Dtnormalized spectral positive sum from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
444SpPosLog_Dtlogarithmic spectral positive sum from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
445SpMax_Dtleading eigenvalue from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
446SpMaxA_Dtnormalized leading eigenvalue from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
447SpDiam_Dtspectral diameter from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
448SpAD_Dtspectral absolute deviation from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
449SpMAD_Dtspectral mean absolute deviation from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
450Ho_DtHosoya-like index (log function) from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
451EE_DtEstrada-like index (log function) from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
452SM2_Dtspectral moment of order 2 from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
453SM3_Dtspectral moment of order 3 from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
454SM4_Dtspectral moment of order 4 from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
455SM5_Dtspectral moment of order 5 from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
456SM6_Dtspectral moment of order 6 from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
457VE1_Dtcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
458VE2_Dtaverage coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
459VE3_Dtlogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
460VE1sign_Dtcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
461VE2sign_Dtaverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
462VE3sign_Dtlogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
463VR1_DtRandic-like eigenvector-based index from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
464VR2_Dtnormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
465VR3_Dtlogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDetour matrix (Dt)
466Wi_D/DtWiener-like index from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
467WiA_D/Dtaverage Wiener-like index from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
468AVS_D/Dtaverage vertex sum from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
469H_D/DtHarary-like index from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
470Chi_D/DtRandic-like index from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
471ChiA_D/Dtaverage Randic-like index from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
472J_D/DtBalaban-like index from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
473HyWi_D/Dthyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
474SpPos_D/Dtspectral positive sum from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
475SpPosA_D/Dtnormalized spectral positive sum from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
476SpPosLog_D/Dtlogarithmic spectral positive sum from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
477SpMax_D/Dtleading eigenvalue from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
478SpMaxA_D/Dtnormalized leading eigenvalue from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
479SpDiam_D/Dtspectral diameter from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
480SpAD_D/Dtspectral absolute deviation from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
481SpMAD_D/Dtspectral mean absolute deviation from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
482Ho_D/DtHosoya-like index (log function) from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
483EE_D/DtEstrada-like index (log function) from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
484SM2_D/Dtspectral moment of order 2 from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
485SM3_D/Dtspectral moment of order 3 from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
486SM4_D/Dtspectral moment of order 4 from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
487SM5_D/Dtspectral moment of order 5 from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
488SM6_D/Dtspectral moment of order 6 from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
489VE1_D/Dtcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
490VE2_D/Dtaverage coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
491VE3_D/Dtlogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
492VE1sign_D/Dtcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
493VE2sign_D/Dtaverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
494VE3sign_D/Dtlogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
495VR1_D/DtRandic-like eigenvector-based index from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
496VR2_D/Dtnormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
497VR3_D/Dtlogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from distance/detour matrix2D matrix-based descriptorsDistance / detour matrix (D/Dt)
498Wi_Dz(Z)Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
499WiA_Dz(Z)average Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
500AVS_Dz(Z)average vertex sum from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
501H_Dz(Z)Harary-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
502Chi_Dz(Z)Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
503ChiA_Dz(Z)average Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
504J_Dz(Z)Balaban-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
505HyWi_Dz(Z)hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
506SpAbs_Dz(Z)graph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
507SpPos_Dz(Z)spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
508SpPosA_Dz(Z)normalized spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
509SpPosLog_Dz(Z)logarithmic spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
510SpMax_Dz(Z)leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
511SpMaxA_Dz(Z)normalized leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
512SpDiam_Dz(Z)spectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
513SpAD_Dz(Z)spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
514SpMAD_Dz(Z)spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
515Ho_Dz(Z)Hosoya-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
516EE_Dz(Z)Estrada-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
517SM1_Dz(Z)spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
518SM2_Dz(Z)spectral moment of order 2 from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
519SM3_Dz(Z)spectral moment of order 3 from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
520SM4_Dz(Z)spectral moment of order 4 from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
521SM5_Dz(Z)spectral moment of order 5 from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
522SM6_Dz(Z)spectral moment of order 6 from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
523VE1_Dz(Z)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
524VE2_Dz(Z)average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
525VE3_Dz(Z)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
526VE1sign_Dz(Z)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
527VE2sign_Dz(Z)average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
528VE3sign_Dz(Z)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
529VR1_Dz(Z)Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
530VR2_Dz(Z)normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
531VR3_Dz(Z)logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by atomic number2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by atomic number (Dz(Z))
532Wi_Dz(m)Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
533WiA_Dz(m)average Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
534AVS_Dz(m)average vertex sum from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
535H_Dz(m)Harary-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
536Chi_Dz(m)Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
537ChiA_Dz(m)average Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
538J_Dz(m)Balaban-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
539HyWi_Dz(m)hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
540SpAbs_Dz(m)graph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
541SpPos_Dz(m)spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
542SpPosA_Dz(m)normalized spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
543SpPosLog_Dz(m)logarithmic spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
544SpMax_Dz(m)leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
545SpMaxA_Dz(m)normalized leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
546SpDiam_Dz(m)spectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
547SpAD_Dz(m)spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
548SpMAD_Dz(m)spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
549Ho_Dz(m)Hosoya-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
550EE_Dz(m)Estrada-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
551SM1_Dz(m)spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
552SM2_Dz(m)spectral moment of order 2 from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
553SM3_Dz(m)spectral moment of order 3 from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
554SM4_Dz(m)spectral moment of order 4 from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
555SM5_Dz(m)spectral moment of order 5 from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
556SM6_Dz(m)spectral moment of order 6 from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
557VE1_Dz(m)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
558VE2_Dz(m)average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
559VE3_Dz(m)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
560VE1sign_Dz(m)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
561VE2sign_Dz(m)average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
562VE3sign_Dz(m)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
563VR1_Dz(m)Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
564VR2_Dz(m)normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
565VR3_Dz(m)logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by mass (Dz(m))
566Wi_Dz(v)Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
567WiA_Dz(v)average Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
568AVS_Dz(v)average vertex sum from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
569H_Dz(v)Harary-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
570Chi_Dz(v)Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
571ChiA_Dz(v)average Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
572J_Dz(v)Balaban-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
573HyWi_Dz(v)hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
574SpAbs_Dz(v)graph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
575SpPos_Dz(v)spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
576SpPosA_Dz(v)normalized spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
577SpPosLog_Dz(v)logarithmic spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
578SpMax_Dz(v)leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
579SpMaxA_Dz(v)normalized leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
580SpDiam_Dz(v)spectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
581SpAD_Dz(v)spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
582SpMAD_Dz(v)spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
583Ho_Dz(v)Hosoya-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
584EE_Dz(v)Estrada-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
585SM1_Dz(v)spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
586SM2_Dz(v)spectral moment of order 2 from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
587SM3_Dz(v)spectral moment of order 3 from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
588SM4_Dz(v)spectral moment of order 4 from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
589SM5_Dz(v)spectral moment of order 5 from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
590SM6_Dz(v)spectral moment of order 6 from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
591VE1_Dz(v)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
592VE2_Dz(v)average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
593VE3_Dz(v)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
594VE1sign_Dz(v)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
595VE2sign_Dz(v)average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
596VE3sign_Dz(v)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
597VR1_Dz(v)Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
598VR2_Dz(v)normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
599VR3_Dz(v)logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (Dz(v))
600Wi_Dz(e)Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
601WiA_Dz(e)average Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
602AVS_Dz(e)average vertex sum from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
603H_Dz(e)Harary-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
604Chi_Dz(e)Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
605ChiA_Dz(e)average Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
606J_Dz(e)Balaban-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
607HyWi_Dz(e)hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
608SpAbs_Dz(e)graph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
609SpPos_Dz(e)spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
610SpPosA_Dz(e)normalized spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
611SpPosLog_Dz(e)logarithmic spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
612SpMax_Dz(e)leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
613SpMaxA_Dz(e)normalized leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
614SpDiam_Dz(e)spectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
615SpAD_Dz(e)spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
616SpMAD_Dz(e)spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
617Ho_Dz(e)Hosoya-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
618EE_Dz(e)Estrada-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
619SM1_Dz(e)spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
620SM2_Dz(e)spectral moment of order 2 from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
621SM3_Dz(e)spectral moment of order 3 from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
622SM4_Dz(e)spectral moment of order 4 from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
623SM5_Dz(e)spectral moment of order 5 from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
624SM6_Dz(e)spectral moment of order 6 from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
625VE1_Dz(e)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
626VE2_Dz(e)average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
627VE3_Dz(e)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
628VE1sign_Dz(e)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
629VE2sign_Dz(e)average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
630VE3sign_Dz(e)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
631VR1_Dz(e)Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
632VR2_Dz(e)normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
633VR3_Dz(e)logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (Dz(e))
634Wi_Dz(p)Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
635WiA_Dz(p)average Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
636AVS_Dz(p)average vertex sum from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
637H_Dz(p)Harary-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
638Chi_Dz(p)Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
639ChiA_Dz(p)average Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
640J_Dz(p)Balaban-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
641HyWi_Dz(p)hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
642SpAbs_Dz(p)graph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
643SpPos_Dz(p)spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
644SpPosA_Dz(p)normalized spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
645SpPosLog_Dz(p)logarithmic spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
646SpMax_Dz(p)leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
647SpMaxA_Dz(p)normalized leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
648SpDiam_Dz(p)spectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
649SpAD_Dz(p)spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
650SpMAD_Dz(p)spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
651Ho_Dz(p)Hosoya-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
652EE_Dz(p)Estrada-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
653SM1_Dz(p)spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
654SM2_Dz(p)spectral moment of order 2 from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
655SM3_Dz(p)spectral moment of order 3 from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
656SM4_Dz(p)spectral moment of order 4 from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
657SM5_Dz(p)spectral moment of order 5 from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
658SM6_Dz(p)spectral moment of order 6 from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
659VE1_Dz(p)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
660VE2_Dz(p)average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
661VE3_Dz(p)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
662VE1sign_Dz(p)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
663VE2sign_Dz(p)average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
664VE3sign_Dz(p)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
665VR1_Dz(p)Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
666VR2_Dz(p)normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
667VR3_Dz(p)logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by polarizability (Dz(p))
668Wi_Dz(i)Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
669WiA_Dz(i)average Wiener-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
670AVS_Dz(i)average vertex sum from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
671H_Dz(i)Harary-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
672Chi_Dz(i)Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
673ChiA_Dz(i)average Randic-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
674J_Dz(i)Balaban-like index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
675HyWi_Dz(i)hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
676SpAbs_Dz(i)graph energy from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
677SpPos_Dz(i)spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
678SpPosA_Dz(i)normalized spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
679SpPosLog_Dz(i)logarithmic spectral positive sum from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
680SpMax_Dz(i)leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
681SpMaxA_Dz(i)normalized leading eigenvalue from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
682SpDiam_Dz(i)spectral diameter from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
683SpAD_Dz(i)spectral absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
684SpMAD_Dz(i)spectral mean absolute deviation from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
685Ho_Dz(i)Hosoya-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
686EE_Dz(i)Estrada-like index (log function) from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
687SM1_Dz(i)spectral moment of order 1 from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
688SM2_Dz(i)spectral moment of order 2 from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
689SM3_Dz(i)spectral moment of order 3 from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
690SM4_Dz(i)spectral moment of order 4 from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
691SM5_Dz(i)spectral moment of order 5 from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
692SM6_Dz(i)spectral moment of order 6 from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
693VE1_Dz(i)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
694VE2_Dz(i)average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
695VE3_Dz(i)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
696VE1sign_Dz(i)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
697VE2sign_Dz(i)average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
698VE3sign_Dz(i)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
699VR1_Dz(i)Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
700VR2_Dz(i)normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
701VR3_Dz(i)logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Barysz matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBarysz matrix weighted by ionization potential (Dz(i))
702Wi_B(m)Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
703WiA_B(m)average Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
704AVS_B(m)average vertex sum from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
705Chi_B(m)Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
706ChiA_B(m)average Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
707J_B(m)Balaban-like index from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
708HyWi_B(m)hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
709SpAbs_B(m)graph energy from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
710SpPos_B(m)spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
711SpPosA_B(m)normalized spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
712SpPosLog_B(m)logarithmic spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
713SpMax_B(m)leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
714SpMaxA_B(m)normalized leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
715SpDiam_B(m)spectral diameter from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
716SpAD_B(m)spectral absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
717SpMAD_B(m)spectral mean absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
718Ho_B(m)Hosoya-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
719EE_B(m)Estrada-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
720SM1_B(m)spectral moment of order 1 from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
721SM2_B(m)spectral moment of order 2 from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
722SM3_B(m)spectral moment of order 3 from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
723SM4_B(m)spectral moment of order 4 from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
724SM5_B(m)spectral moment of order 5 from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
725SM6_B(m)spectral moment of order 6 from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
726VE1_B(m)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
727VE2_B(m)average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
728VE3_B(m)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
729VE1sign_B(m)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
730VE2sign_B(m)average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
731VE3sign_B(m)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
732VR1_B(m)Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
733VR2_B(m)normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
734VR3_B(m)logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by mass2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by mass (B(m))
735Wi_B(v)Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
736WiA_B(v)average Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
737AVS_B(v)average vertex sum from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
738Chi_B(v)Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
739ChiA_B(v)average Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
740J_B(v)Balaban-like index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
741HyWi_B(v)hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
742SpAbs_B(v)graph energy from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
743SpPos_B(v)spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
744SpPosA_B(v)normalized spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
745SpPosLog_B(v)logarithmic spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
746SpMax_B(v)leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
747SpMaxA_B(v)normalized leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
748SpDiam_B(v)spectral diameter from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
749SpAD_B(v)spectral absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
750SpMAD_B(v)spectral mean absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
751Ho_B(v)Hosoya-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
752EE_B(v)Estrada-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
753SM1_B(v)spectral moment of order 1 from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
754SM2_B(v)spectral moment of order 2 from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
755SM3_B(v)spectral moment of order 3 from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
756SM4_B(v)spectral moment of order 4 from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
757SM5_B(v)spectral moment of order 5 from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
758SM6_B(v)spectral moment of order 6 from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
759VE1_B(v)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
760VE2_B(v)average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
761VE3_B(v)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
762VE1sign_B(v)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
763VE2sign_B(v)average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
764VE3sign_B(v)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
765VR1_B(v)Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
766VR2_B(v)normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
767VR3_B(v)logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volume2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Van der Waals volume (B(v))
768Wi_B(e)Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
769WiA_B(e)average Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
770AVS_B(e)average vertex sum from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
771Chi_B(e)Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
772ChiA_B(e)average Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
773J_B(e)Balaban-like index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
774HyWi_B(e)hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
775SpAbs_B(e)graph energy from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
776SpPos_B(e)spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
777SpPosA_B(e)normalized spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
778SpPosLog_B(e)logarithmic spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
779SpMax_B(e)leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
780SpMaxA_B(e)normalized leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
781SpDiam_B(e)spectral diameter from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
782SpAD_B(e)spectral absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
783SpMAD_B(e)spectral mean absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
784Ho_B(e)Hosoya-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
785EE_B(e)Estrada-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
786SM1_B(e)spectral moment of order 1 from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
787SM2_B(e)spectral moment of order 2 from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
788SM3_B(e)spectral moment of order 3 from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
789SM4_B(e)spectral moment of order 4 from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
790SM5_B(e)spectral moment of order 5 from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
791SM6_B(e)spectral moment of order 6 from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
792VE1_B(e)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
793VE2_B(e)average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
794VE3_B(e)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
795VE1sign_B(e)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
796VE2sign_B(e)average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
797VE3sign_B(e)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
798VR1_B(e)Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
799VR2_B(e)normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
800VR3_B(e)logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativity (B(e))
801Wi_B(p)Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
802WiA_B(p)average Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
803AVS_B(p)average vertex sum from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
804Chi_B(p)Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
805ChiA_B(p)average Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
806J_B(p)Balaban-like index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
807HyWi_B(p)hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
808SpAbs_B(p)graph energy from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
809SpPos_B(p)spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
810SpPosA_B(p)normalized spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
811SpPosLog_B(p)logarithmic spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
812SpMax_B(p)leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
813SpMaxA_B(p)normalized leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
814SpDiam_B(p)spectral diameter from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
815SpAD_B(p)spectral absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
816SpMAD_B(p)spectral mean absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
817Ho_B(p)Hosoya-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
818EE_B(p)Estrada-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
819SM1_B(p)spectral moment of order 1 from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
820SM2_B(p)spectral moment of order 2 from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
821SM3_B(p)spectral moment of order 3 from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
822SM4_B(p)spectral moment of order 4 from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
823SM5_B(p)spectral moment of order 5 from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
824SM6_B(p)spectral moment of order 6 from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
825VE1_B(p)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
826VE2_B(p)average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
827VE3_B(p)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
828VE1sign_B(p)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
829VE2sign_B(p)average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
830VE3sign_B(p)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
831VR1_B(p)Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
832VR2_B(p)normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
833VR3_B(p)logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by polarizability2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by polarizability (B(p))
834Wi_B(i)Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
835WiA_B(i)average Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
836AVS_B(i)average vertex sum from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
837Chi_B(i)Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
838ChiA_B(i)average Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
839J_B(i)Balaban-like index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
840HyWi_B(i)hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
841SpAbs_B(i)graph energy from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
842SpPos_B(i)spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
843SpPosA_B(i)normalized spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
844SpPosLog_B(i)logarithmic spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
845SpMax_B(i)leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
846SpMaxA_B(i)normalized leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
847SpDiam_B(i)spectral diameter from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
848SpAD_B(i)spectral absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
849SpMAD_B(i)spectral mean absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
850Ho_B(i)Hosoya-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
851EE_B(i)Estrada-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
852SM1_B(i)spectral moment of order 1 from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
853SM2_B(i)spectral moment of order 2 from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
854SM3_B(i)spectral moment of order 3 from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
855SM4_B(i)spectral moment of order 4 from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
856SM5_B(i)spectral moment of order 5 from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
857SM6_B(i)spectral moment of order 6 from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
858VE1_B(i)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
859VE2_B(i)average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
860VE3_B(i)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
861VE1sign_B(i)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
862VE2sign_B(i)average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
863VE3sign_B(i)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
864VR1_B(i)Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
865VR2_B(i)normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
866VR3_B(i)logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by ionization potential2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by ionization potential (B(i))
867Wi_B(s)Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
868WiA_B(s)average Wiener-like index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
869AVS_B(s)average vertex sum from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
870Chi_B(s)Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
871ChiA_B(s)average Randic-like index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
872J_B(s)Balaban-like index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
873HyWi_B(s)hyper-Wiener-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
874SpAbs_B(s)graph energy from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
875SpPos_B(s)spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
876SpPosA_B(s)normalized spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
877SpPosLog_B(s)logarithmic spectral positive sum from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
878SpMax_B(s)leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
879SpMaxA_B(s)normalized leading eigenvalue from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
880SpDiam_B(s)spectral diameter from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
881SpAD_B(s)spectral absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
882SpMAD_B(s)spectral mean absolute deviation from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
883Ho_B(s)Hosoya-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
884EE_B(s)Estrada-like index (log function) from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
885SM1_B(s)spectral moment of order 1 from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
886SM2_B(s)spectral moment of order 2 from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
887SM3_B(s)spectral moment of order 3 from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
888SM4_B(s)spectral moment of order 4 from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
889SM5_B(s)spectral moment of order 5 from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
890SM6_B(s)spectral moment of order 6 from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
891VE1_B(s)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
892VE2_B(s)average coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
893VE3_B(s)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
894VE1sign_B(s)coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
895VE2sign_B(s)average coefficient of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
896VE3sign_B(s)logarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
897VR1_B(s)Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
898VR2_B(s)normalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
899VR3_B(s)logarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from Burden matrix weighted by I-State2D matrix-based descriptorsBurden matrix weighted by I-state (B(s))
900ATS1mBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 (log function) weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
901ATS2mBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 (log function) weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
902ATS3mBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 (log function) weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
903ATS4mBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 (log function) weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
904ATS5mBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 (log function) weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
905ATS6mBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 (log function) weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
906ATS7mBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 (log function) weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
907ATS8mBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 (log function) weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
908ATS1vBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
909ATS2vBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
910ATS3vBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
911ATS4vBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
912ATS5vBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
913ATS6vBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
914ATS7vBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
915ATS8vBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 (log function) weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
916ATS1eBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
917ATS2eBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
918ATS3eBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
919ATS4eBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
920ATS5eBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
921ATS6eBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
922ATS7eBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
923ATS8eBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 (log function) weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
924ATS1pBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 (log function) weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
925ATS2pBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 (log function) weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
926ATS3pBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 (log function) weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
927ATS4pBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 (log function) weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
928ATS5pBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 (log function) weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
929ATS6pBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 (log function) weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
930ATS7pBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 (log function) weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
931ATS8pBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 (log function) weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
932ATS1iBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 (log function) weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
933ATS2iBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 (log function) weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
934ATS3iBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 (log function) weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
935ATS4iBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 (log function) weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
936ATS5iBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 (log function) weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
937ATS6iBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 (log function) weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
938ATS7iBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 (log function) weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
939ATS8iBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 (log function) weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
940ATS1sBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 (log function) weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
941ATS2sBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 (log function) weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
942ATS3sBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 (log function) weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
943ATS4sBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 (log function) weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
944ATS5sBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 (log function) weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
945ATS6sBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 (log function) weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
946ATS7sBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 (log function) weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
947ATS8sBroto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 (log function) weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsBroto-Moreau autocorrelations
948ATSC1mCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
949ATSC2mCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
950ATSC3mCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
951ATSC4mCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
952ATSC5mCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
953ATSC6mCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
954ATSC7mCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
955ATSC8mCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
956ATSC1vCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
957ATSC2vCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
958ATSC3vCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
959ATSC4vCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
960ATSC5vCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
961ATSC6vCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
962ATSC7vCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
963ATSC8vCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
964ATSC1eCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
965ATSC2eCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
966ATSC3eCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
967ATSC4eCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
968ATSC5eCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
969ATSC6eCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
970ATSC7eCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
971ATSC8eCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
972ATSC1pCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
973ATSC2pCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
974ATSC3pCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
975ATSC4pCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
976ATSC5pCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
977ATSC6pCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
978ATSC7pCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
979ATSC8pCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
980ATSC1iCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
981ATSC2iCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
982ATSC3iCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
983ATSC4iCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
984ATSC5iCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
985ATSC6iCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
986ATSC7iCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
987ATSC8iCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
988ATSC1sCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
989ATSC2sCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
990ATSC3sCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
991ATSC4sCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
992ATSC5sCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
993ATSC6sCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
994ATSC7sCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
995ATSC8sCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsCentred Broto-Moreau autocorrelations
996MATS1mMoran autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
997MATS2mMoran autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
998MATS3mMoran autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
999MATS4mMoran autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1000MATS5mMoran autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1001MATS6mMoran autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1002MATS7mMoran autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1003MATS8mMoran autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1004MATS1vMoran autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1005MATS2vMoran autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1006MATS3vMoran autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1007MATS4vMoran autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1008MATS5vMoran autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1009MATS6vMoran autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1010MATS7vMoran autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1011MATS8vMoran autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1012MATS1eMoran autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1013MATS2eMoran autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1014MATS3eMoran autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1015MATS4eMoran autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1016MATS5eMoran autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1017MATS6eMoran autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1018MATS7eMoran autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1019MATS8eMoran autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1020MATS1pMoran autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1021MATS2pMoran autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1022MATS3pMoran autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1023MATS4pMoran autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1024MATS5pMoran autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1025MATS6pMoran autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1026MATS7pMoran autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1027MATS8pMoran autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1028MATS1iMoran autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1029MATS2iMoran autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1030MATS3iMoran autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1031MATS4iMoran autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1032MATS5iMoran autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1033MATS6iMoran autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1034MATS7iMoran autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1035MATS8iMoran autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1036MATS1sMoran autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1037MATS2sMoran autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1038MATS3sMoran autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1039MATS4sMoran autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1040MATS5sMoran autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1041MATS6sMoran autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1042MATS7sMoran autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1043MATS8sMoran autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsMoran autocorrelations
1044GATS1mGeary autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1045GATS2mGeary autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1046GATS3mGeary autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1047GATS4mGeary autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1048GATS5mGeary autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1049GATS6mGeary autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1050GATS7mGeary autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1051GATS8mGeary autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by mass2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1052GATS1vGeary autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1053GATS2vGeary autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1054GATS3vGeary autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1055GATS4vGeary autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1056GATS5vGeary autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1057GATS6vGeary autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1058GATS7vGeary autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1059GATS8vGeary autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1060GATS1eGeary autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1061GATS2eGeary autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1062GATS3eGeary autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1063GATS4eGeary autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1064GATS5eGeary autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1065GATS6eGeary autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1066GATS7eGeary autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1067GATS8eGeary autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1068GATS1pGeary autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1069GATS2pGeary autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1070GATS3pGeary autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1071GATS4pGeary autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1072GATS5pGeary autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1073GATS6pGeary autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1074GATS7pGeary autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1075GATS8pGeary autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by polarizability2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1076GATS1iGeary autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1077GATS2iGeary autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1078GATS3iGeary autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1079GATS4iGeary autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1080GATS5iGeary autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1081GATS6iGeary autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1082GATS7iGeary autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1083GATS8iGeary autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by ionization potential2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1084GATS1sGeary autocorrelation of lag 1 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1085GATS2sGeary autocorrelation of lag 2 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1086GATS3sGeary autocorrelation of lag 3 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1087GATS4sGeary autocorrelation of lag 4 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1088GATS5sGeary autocorrelation of lag 5 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1089GATS6sGeary autocorrelation of lag 6 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1090GATS7sGeary autocorrelation of lag 7 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1091GATS8sGeary autocorrelation of lag 8 weighted by I-state2D autocorrelationsGeary autocorrelations
1092GGI1topological charge index of order 12D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1093GGI2topological charge index of order 22D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1094GGI3topological charge index of order 32D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1095GGI4topological charge index of order 42D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1096GGI5topological charge index of order 52D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1097GGI6topological charge index of order 62D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1098GGI7topological charge index of order 72D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1099GGI8topological charge index of order 82D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1100GGI9topological charge index of order 92D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1101GGI10topological charge index of order 102D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1102JGI1mean topological charge index of order 12D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1103JGI2mean topological charge index of order 22D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1104JGI3mean topological charge index of order 32D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1105JGI4mean topological charge index of order 42D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1106JGI5mean topological charge index of order 52D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1107JGI6mean topological charge index of order 62D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1108JGI7mean topological charge index of order 72D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1109JGI8mean topological charge index of order 82D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1110JGI9mean topological charge index of order 92D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1111JGI10mean topological charge index of order 102D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1112JGTglobal topological charge index2D autocorrelationsTopological charge autocorrelations
1113SpMax1_Bh(m)largest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1114SpMax2_Bh(m)largest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1115SpMax3_Bh(m)largest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1116SpMax4_Bh(m)largest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1117SpMax5_Bh(m)largest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1118SpMax6_Bh(m)largest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1119SpMax7_Bh(m)largest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1120SpMax8_Bh(m)largest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1121SpMax1_Bh(v)largest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1122SpMax2_Bh(v)largest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1123SpMax3_Bh(v)largest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1124SpMax4_Bh(v)largest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1125SpMax5_Bh(v)largest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1126SpMax6_Bh(v)largest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1127SpMax7_Bh(v)largest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1128SpMax8_Bh(v)largest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1129SpMax1_Bh(e)largest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1130SpMax2_Bh(e)largest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1131SpMax3_Bh(e)largest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1132SpMax4_Bh(e)largest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1133SpMax5_Bh(e)largest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1134SpMax6_Bh(e)largest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1135SpMax7_Bh(e)largest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1136SpMax8_Bh(e)largest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1137SpMax1_Bh(p)largest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1138SpMax2_Bh(p)largest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1139SpMax3_Bh(p)largest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1140SpMax4_Bh(p)largest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1141SpMax5_Bh(p)largest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1142SpMax6_Bh(p)largest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1143SpMax7_Bh(p)largest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1144SpMax8_Bh(p)largest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1145SpMax1_Bh(i)largest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1146SpMax2_Bh(i)largest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1147SpMax3_Bh(i)largest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1148SpMax4_Bh(i)largest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1149SpMax5_Bh(i)largest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1150SpMax6_Bh(i)largest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1151SpMax7_Bh(i)largest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1152SpMax8_Bh(i)largest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1153SpMax1_Bh(s)largest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1154SpMax2_Bh(s)largest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1155SpMax3_Bh(s)largest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1156SpMax4_Bh(s)largest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1157SpMax5_Bh(s)largest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1158SpMax6_Bh(s)largest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1159SpMax7_Bh(s)largest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1160SpMax8_Bh(s)largest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesLargest eigenvalues
1161SpMin1_Bh(m)smallest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1162SpMin2_Bh(m)smallest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1163SpMin3_Bh(m)smallest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1164SpMin4_Bh(m)smallest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1165SpMin5_Bh(m)smallest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1166SpMin6_Bh(m)smallest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1167SpMin7_Bh(m)smallest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1168SpMin8_Bh(m)smallest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by massBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1169SpMin1_Bh(v)smallest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1170SpMin2_Bh(v)smallest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1171SpMin3_Bh(v)smallest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1172SpMin4_Bh(v)smallest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1173SpMin5_Bh(v)smallest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1174SpMin6_Bh(v)smallest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1175SpMin7_Bh(v)smallest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1176SpMin8_Bh(v)smallest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by van der Waals volumeBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1177SpMin1_Bh(e)smallest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1178SpMin2_Bh(e)smallest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1179SpMin3_Bh(e)smallest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1180SpMin4_Bh(e)smallest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1181SpMin5_Bh(e)smallest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1182SpMin6_Bh(e)smallest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1183SpMin7_Bh(e)smallest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1184SpMin8_Bh(e)smallest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by Sanderson electronegativityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1185SpMin1_Bh(p)smallest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1186SpMin2_Bh(p)smallest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1187SpMin3_Bh(p)smallest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1188SpMin4_Bh(p)smallest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1189SpMin5_Bh(p)smallest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1190SpMin6_Bh(p)smallest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1191SpMin7_Bh(p)smallest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1192SpMin8_Bh(p)smallest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by polarizabilityBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1193SpMin1_Bh(i)smallest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1194SpMin2_Bh(i)smallest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1195SpMin3_Bh(i)smallest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1196SpMin4_Bh(i)smallest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1197SpMin5_Bh(i)smallest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1198SpMin6_Bh(i)smallest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1199SpMin7_Bh(i)smallest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1200SpMin8_Bh(i)smallest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by ionization potentialBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1201SpMin1_Bh(s)smallest eigenvalue n. 1 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1202SpMin2_Bh(s)smallest eigenvalue n. 2 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1203SpMin3_Bh(s)smallest eigenvalue n. 3 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1204SpMin4_Bh(s)smallest eigenvalue n. 4 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1205SpMin5_Bh(s)smallest eigenvalue n. 5 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1206SpMin6_Bh(s)smallest eigenvalue n. 6 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1207SpMin7_Bh(s)smallest eigenvalue n. 7 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1208SpMin8_Bh(s)smallest eigenvalue n. 8 of Burden matrix weighted by I-stateBurden eigenvaluesSmallest eigenvalues
1209P_VSA_LogP_1P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 1P_VSA-like descriptorsLogP
1210P_VSA_LogP_2P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 2P_VSA-like descriptorsLogP
1211P_VSA_LogP_3P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 3P_VSA-like descriptorsLogP
1212P_VSA_LogP_4P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 4P_VSA-like descriptorsLogP
1213P_VSA_LogP_5P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 5P_VSA-like descriptorsLogP
1214P_VSA_LogP_6P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 6P_VSA-like descriptorsLogP
1215P_VSA_LogP_7P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 7P_VSA-like descriptorsLogP
1216P_VSA_LogP_8P_VSA-like on LogP, bin 8P_VSA-like descriptorsLogP
1217P_VSA_MR_1P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 1P_VSA-like descriptorsMolar Refractivity
1218P_VSA_MR_2P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 2P_VSA-like descriptorsMolar Refractivity
1219P_VSA_MR_3P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 3P_VSA-like descriptorsMolar Refractivity
1220P_VSA_MR_4P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 4P_VSA-like descriptorsMolar Refractivity
1221P_VSA_MR_5P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 5P_VSA-like descriptorsMolar Refractivity
1222P_VSA_MR_6P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 6P_VSA-like descriptorsMolar Refractivity
1223P_VSA_MR_7P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 7P_VSA-like descriptorsMolar Refractivity
1224P_VSA_MR_8P_VSA-like on Molar Refractivity, bin 8P_VSA-like descriptorsMolar Refractivity
1225P_VSA_m_1P_VSA-like on mass, bin 1P_VSA-like descriptorsMass
1226P_VSA_m_2P_VSA-like on mass, bin 2P_VSA-like descriptorsMass
1227P_VSA_m_3P_VSA-like on mass, bin 3P_VSA-like descriptorsMass
1228P_VSA_m_4P_VSA-like on mass, bin 4P_VSA-like descriptorsMass
1229P_VSA_m_5P_VSA-like on mass, bin 5P_VSA-like descriptorsMass
1230P_VSA_v_1P_VSA-like on van der Waals volume, bin 1P_VSA-like descriptorsVan der Waals volume
1231P_VSA_v_2P_VSA-like on van der Waals volume, bin 2P_VSA-like descriptorsVan der Waals volume
1232P_VSA_v_3P_VSA-like on van der Waals volume, bin 3P_VSA-like descriptorsVan der Waals volume
1233P_VSA_v_4P_VSA-like on van der Waals volume, bin 4P_VSA-like descriptorsVan der Waals volume
1234P_VSA_e_1P_VSA-like on Sanderson electronegativity, bin 1P_VSA-like descriptorsSanderson electronegativity
1235P_VSA_e_2P_VSA-like on Sanderson electronegativity, bin 2P_VSA-like descriptorsSanderson electronegativity
1236P_VSA_e_3P_VSA-like on Sanderson electronegativity, bin 3P_VSA-like descriptorsSanderson electronegativity
1237P_VSA_e_4P_VSA-like on Sanderson electronegativity, bin 4P_VSA-like descriptorsSanderson electronegativity
1238P_VSA_e_5P_VSA-like on Sanderson electronegativity, bin 5P_VSA-like descriptorsSanderson electronegativity
1239P_VSA_e_6P_VSA-like on Sanderson electronegativity, bin 6P_VSA-like descriptorsSanderson electronegativity
1240P_VSA_p_1P_VSA-like on polarizability, bin 1P_VSA-like descriptorsPolarizability
1241P_VSA_p_2P_VSA-like on polarizability, bin 2P_VSA-like descriptorsPolarizability
1242P_VSA_p_3P_VSA-like on polarizability, bin 3P_VSA-like descriptorsPolarizability
1243P_VSA_p_4P_VSA-like on polarizability, bin 4P_VSA-like descriptorsPolarizability
1244P_VSA_i_1P_VSA-like on ionization potential, bin 1P_VSA-like descriptorsIonization Potential
1245P_VSA_i_2P_VSA-like on ionization potential, bin 2P_VSA-like descriptorsIonization Potential
1246P_VSA_i_3P_VSA-like on ionization potential, bin 3P_VSA-like descriptorsIonization Potential
1247P_VSA_i_4P_VSA-like on ionization potential, bin 4P_VSA-like descriptorsIonization Potential
1248P_VSA_s_1P_VSA-like on I-state, bin 1P_VSA-like descriptorsIntrinsic State
1249P_VSA_s_2P_VSA-like on I-state, bin 2P_VSA-like descriptorsIntrinsic State
1250P_VSA_s_3P_VSA-like on I-state, bin 3P_VSA-like descriptorsIntrinsic State
1251P_VSA_s_4P_VSA-like on I-state, bin 4P_VSA-like descriptorsIntrinsic State
1252P_VSA_s_5P_VSA-like on I-state, bin 5P_VSA-like descriptorsIntrinsic State
1253P_VSA_s_6P_VSA-like on I-state, bin 6P_VSA-like descriptorsIntrinsic State
1254P_VSA_ppp_LP_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, L - lipophilicP_VSA-like descriptorsPotential Pharmacophore Points
1255P_VSA_ppp_PP_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, P - positiveP_VSA-like descriptorsPotential Pharmacophore Points
1256P_VSA_ppp_NP_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, N - negativeP_VSA-like descriptorsPotential Pharmacophore Points
1257P_VSA_ppp_DP_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, D - hydrogen-bond donorP_VSA-like descriptorsPotential Pharmacophore Points
1258P_VSA_ppp_AP_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, A - hydrogen-bond acceptorP_VSA-like descriptorsPotential Pharmacophore Points
1259P_VSA_ppp_arP_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, ar - aromatic atomsP_VSA-like descriptorsPotential Pharmacophore Points
1260P_VSA_ppp_conP_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, con - conjugated atomsP_VSA-like descriptorsPotential Pharmacophore Points
1261P_VSA_ppp_halP_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, hal - halogen atomsP_VSA-like descriptorsPotential Pharmacophore Points
1262P_VSA_ppp_cycP_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, cyc - atoms belonging to cyclesP_VSA-like descriptorsPotential Pharmacophore Points
1263P_VSA_ppp_terP_VSA-like on potential pharmacophore points, ter - terminal atomsP_VSA-like descriptorsPotential Pharmacophore Points
1264Eta_alphaeta core countETA indicesBasic descriptors
1265Eta_alpha_Aeta average core countETA indicesBasic descriptors
1266Eta_epsieta electronegativity measureETA indicesBasic descriptors
1267Eta_epsi_Aeta average electronegativity measureETA indicesBasic descriptors
1268Eta_betaSeta sigma VEM countETA indicesBasic descriptors
1269Eta_betaS_Aeta sigma average VEM counETA indicesBasic descriptors
1270Eta_betaPeta pi and lone pair VEM countETA indicesBasic descriptors
1271Eta_betaP_Aeta pi and lone pair average VEM countETA indicesBasic descriptors
1272Eta_betaeta VEM countETA indicesBasic descriptors
1273Eta_beta_Aeta average VEM countETA indicesBasic descriptors
1274Eta_Ceta composite indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1275Eta_C_Aeta average composite indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1276Eta_Leta local composite indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1277Eta_L_Aeta average local composite indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1278Eta_Feta functionality indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1279Eta_F_Aeta average functionality indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1280Eta_FLeta local functionality indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1281Eta_FL_Aeta average local functionality indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1282Eta_Beta branching indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1283Eta_B_Aeta average branching indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1284Eta_sh_peta p shape indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1285Eta_sh_yeta y shape indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1286Eta_sh_xeta x shape indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1287Eta_D_AlphaAeta delta alpha a indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1288Eta_D_AlphaBeta delta alpha b indexETA indicesBasic descriptors
1289Eta_epsi_2eta electronegativity measure 2ETA indicesBasic descriptors
1290Eta_epsi_3eta electronegativity measure 3ETA indicesBasic descriptors
1291Eta_epsi_4eta electronegativity measure 4ETA indicesBasic descriptors
1292Eta_epsi_5eta electronegativity measure 5ETA indicesBasic descriptors
1293Eta_D_epsiAeta measure of unsaturation and electronegative atom countETA indicesBasic descriptors
1294Eta_D_epsiBeta measure of unsaturationETA indicesBasic descriptors
1295Eta_D_epsiCeta measure of electronegativityETA indicesBasic descriptors
1296Eta_D_epsiDeta measure of hydrogen bond donor atomsETA indicesBasic descriptors
1297Eta_psi1eta measure of hydrogen bonding propensity and/or polar surface areaETA indicesBasic descriptors
1298Eta_D_psiAeta measure of hydrogen bonding propensityETA indicesBasic descriptors
1299Eta_D_psiBeta measure of hydrogen bonding propensityETA indicesBasic descriptors
1300Eta_D_betaeta measure of electronic featuresETA indicesBasic descriptors
1301Eta_D_beta_Aeta average measure of electronic featuresETA indicesBasic descriptors
1302SpMax_EAleading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1303SpMaxA_EAnormalized leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1304SpDiam_EAspectral diameter from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1305SpAD_EAspectral absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1306SpMAD_EAspectral mean absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1307SpMax_EA(ed)leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1308SpMaxA_EA(ed)normalized leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1309SpDiam_EA(ed)spectral diameter from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1310SpAD_EA(ed)spectral absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1311SpMAD_EA(ed)spectral mean absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1312SpMax_EA(bo)leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1313SpMaxA_EA(bo)normalized leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1314SpDiam_EA(bo)spectral diameter from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1315SpAD_EA(bo)spectral absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1316SpMAD_EA(bo)spectral mean absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1317SpMax_EA(dm)leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1318SpMaxA_EA(dm)normalized leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1319SpDiam_EA(dm)spectral diameter from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1320SpAD_EA(dm)spectral absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1321SpMAD_EA(dm)spectral mean absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1322SpMax_EA(ri)leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1323SpMaxA_EA(ri)normalized leading eigenvalue from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1324SpDiam_EA(ri)spectral diameter from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1325SpAD_EA(ri)spectral absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1326SpMAD_EA(ri)spectral mean absolute deviation from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1327SpMax_AEA(ed)leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1328SpMaxA_AEA(ed)normalized leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1329SpDiam_AEA(ed)spectral diameter from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1330SpAD_AEA(ed)spectral absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1331SpMAD_AEA(ed)spectral mean absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1332SpMax_AEA(bo)leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1333SpMaxA_AEA(bo)normalized leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1334SpDiam_AEA(bo)spectral diameter from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1335SpAD_AEA(bo)spectral absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1336SpMAD_AEA(bo)spectral mean absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1337SpMax_AEA(dm)leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1338SpMaxA_AEA(dm)normalized leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1339SpDiam_AEA(dm)spectral diameter from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1340SpAD_AEA(dm)spectral absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1341SpMAD_AEA(dm)spectral mean absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1342SpMax_AEA(ri)leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1343SpMaxA_AEA(ri)normalized leading eigenvalue from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1344SpDiam_AEA(ri)spectral diameter from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1345SpAD_AEA(ri)spectral absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1346SpMAD_AEA(ri)spectral mean absolute deviation from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral indices
1347Chi0_EAconnectivity-like index of order 0 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1348Chi1_EAconnectivity-like index of order 1 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1349Chi0_EA(ed)connectivity-like index of order 0 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1350Chi1_EA(ed)connectivity-like index of order 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1351Chi0_EA(bo)connectivity-like index of order 0 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1352Chi1_EA(bo)connectivity-like index of order 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1353Chi0_EA(dm)connectivity-like index of order 0 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1354Chi1_EA(dm)connectivity-like index of order 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1355Chi0_EA(ri)connectivity-like index of order 0 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1356Chi1_EA(ri)connectivity-like index of order 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1357Chi0_AEA(ed)connectivity-like index of order 0 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1358Chi1_AEA(ed)connectivity-like index of order 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1359Chi0_AEA(bo)connectivity-like index of order 0 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1360Chi1_AEA(bo)connectivity-like index of order 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1361Chi0_AEA(dm)connectivity-like index of order 0 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1362Chi1_AEA(dm)connectivity-like index of order 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1363Chi0_AEA(ri)connectivity-like index of order 0 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1364Chi1_AEA(ri)connectivity-like index of order 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesConnectivity-like indices
1365SM02_EAspectral moment of order 2 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1366SM03_EAspectral moment of order 3 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1367SM04_EAspectral moment of order 4 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1368SM05_EAspectral moment of order 5 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1369SM06_EAspectral moment of order 6 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1370SM07_EAspectral moment of order 7 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1371SM08_EAspectral moment of order 8 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1372SM09_EAspectral moment of order 9 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1373SM10_EAspectral moment of order 10 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1374SM11_EAspectral moment of order 11 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1375SM12_EAspectral moment of order 12 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1376SM13_EAspectral moment of order 13 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1377SM14_EAspectral moment of order 14 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1378SM15_EAspectral moment of order 15 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1379SM02_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1380SM03_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1381SM04_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1382SM05_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1383SM06_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1384SM07_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1385SM08_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1386SM09_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1387SM10_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1388SM11_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1389SM12_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1390SM13_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1391SM14_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1392SM15_EA(ed)spectral moment of order 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1393SM02_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1394SM03_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1395SM04_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1396SM05_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1397SM06_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1398SM07_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1399SM08_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1400SM09_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1401SM10_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1402SM11_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1403SM12_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1404SM13_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1405SM14_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1406SM15_EA(bo)spectral moment of order 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1407SM02_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1408SM03_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1409SM04_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1410SM05_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1411SM06_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1412SM07_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1413SM08_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1414SM09_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1415SM10_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1416SM11_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1417SM12_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1418SM13_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1419SM14_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1420SM15_EA(dm)spectral moment of order 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1421SM02_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1422SM03_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1423SM04_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1424SM05_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1425SM06_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1426SM07_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1427SM08_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1428SM09_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1429SM10_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1430SM11_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1431SM12_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1432SM13_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1433SM14_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1434SM15_EA(ri)spectral moment of order 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1435SM02_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1436SM03_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1437SM04_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1438SM05_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1439SM06_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1440SM07_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1441SM08_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1442SM09_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1443SM10_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1444SM11_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1445SM12_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1446SM13_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1447SM14_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1448SM15_AEA(ed)spectral moment of order 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1449SM02_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1450SM03_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1451SM04_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1452SM05_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1453SM06_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1454SM07_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1455SM08_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1456SM09_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1457SM10_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1458SM11_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1459SM12_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1460SM13_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1461SM14_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1462SM15_AEA(bo)spectral moment of order 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1463SM02_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1464SM03_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1465SM04_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1466SM05_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1467SM06_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1468SM07_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1469SM08_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1470SM09_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1471SM10_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1472SM11_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1473SM12_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1474SM13_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1475SM14_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1476SM15_AEA(dm)spectral moment of order 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1477SM02_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1478SM03_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1479SM04_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1480SM05_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1481SM06_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1482SM07_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1483SM08_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1484SM09_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1485SM10_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1486SM11_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1487SM12_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1488SM13_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1489SM14_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1490SM15_AEA(ri)spectral moment of order 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesSpectral moments
1491Eig01_EAeigenvalue n. 1 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1492Eig02_EAeigenvalue n. 2 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1493Eig03_EAeigenvalue n. 3 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1494Eig04_EAeigenvalue n. 4 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1495Eig05_EAeigenvalue n. 5 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1496Eig06_EAeigenvalue n. 6 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1497Eig07_EAeigenvalue n. 7 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1498Eig08_EAeigenvalue n. 8 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1499Eig09_EAeigenvalue n. 9 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1500Eig10_EAeigenvalue n. 10 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1501Eig11_EAeigenvalue n. 11 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1502Eig12_EAeigenvalue n. 12 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1503Eig13_EAeigenvalue n. 13 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1504Eig14_EAeigenvalue n. 14 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1505Eig15_EAeigenvalue n. 15 from edge adjacency mat.Edge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1506Eig01_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1507Eig02_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1508Eig03_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1509Eig04_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1510Eig05_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1511Eig06_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1512Eig07_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1513Eig08_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1514Eig09_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1515Eig10_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1516Eig11_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1517Eig12_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1518Eig13_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1519Eig14_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1520Eig15_EA(ed)eigenvalue n. 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1521Eig01_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1522Eig02_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1523Eig03_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1524Eig04_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1525Eig05_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1526Eig06_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1527Eig07_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1528Eig08_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1529Eig09_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1530Eig10_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1531Eig11_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1532Eig12_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1533Eig13_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1534Eig14_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1535Eig15_EA(bo)eigenvalue n. 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1536Eig01_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1537Eig02_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1538Eig03_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1539Eig04_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1540Eig05_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1541Eig06_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1542Eig07_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1543Eig08_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1544Eig09_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1545Eig10_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1546Eig11_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1547Eig12_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1548Eig13_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1549Eig14_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1550Eig15_EA(dm)eigenvalue n. 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1551Eig01_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 1 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1552Eig02_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 2 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1553Eig03_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 3 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1554Eig04_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 4 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1555Eig05_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 5 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1556Eig06_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 6 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1557Eig07_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 7 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1558Eig08_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 8 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1559Eig09_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 9 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1560Eig10_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 10 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1561Eig11_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 11 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1562Eig12_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 12 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1563Eig13_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 13 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1564Eig14_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 14 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1565Eig15_EA(ri)eigenvalue n. 15 from edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1566Eig01_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1567Eig02_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1568Eig03_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1569Eig04_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1570Eig05_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1571Eig06_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1572Eig07_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1573Eig08_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1574Eig09_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1575Eig10_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1576Eig11_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1577Eig12_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1578Eig13_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1579Eig14_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1580Eig15_AEA(ed)eigenvalue n. 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by edge degreeEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1581Eig01_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1582Eig02_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1583Eig03_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1584Eig04_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1585Eig05_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1586Eig06_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1587Eig07_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1588Eig08_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1589Eig09_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1590Eig10_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1591Eig11_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1592Eig12_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1593Eig13_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1594Eig14_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1595Eig15_AEA(bo)eigenvalue n. 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by bond orderEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1596Eig01_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1597Eig02_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1598Eig03_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1599Eig04_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1600Eig05_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1601Eig06_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1602Eig07_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1603Eig08_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1604Eig09_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1605Eig10_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1606Eig11_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1607Eig12_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1608Eig13_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1609Eig14_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1610Eig15_AEA(dm)eigenvalue n. 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by dipole momentEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1611Eig01_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 1 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1612Eig02_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 2 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1613Eig03_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 3 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1614Eig04_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 4 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1615Eig05_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 5 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1616Eig06_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 6 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1617Eig07_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 7 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1618Eig08_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 8 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1619Eig09_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 9 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1620Eig10_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 10 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1621Eig11_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 11 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1622Eig12_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 12 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1623Eig13_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 13 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1624Eig14_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 14 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1625Eig15_AEA(ri)eigenvalue n. 15 from augmented edge adjacency mat. weighted by resonance integralEdge adjacency indicesEigenvalues
1626G1gravitational index G1Geometrical descriptorsSize indices
1627G2gravitational index G2 (bond-restricted)Geometrical descriptorsSize indices
1628RGyrradius of gyration (mass weighted)Geometrical descriptorsSize indices
1629SPANspan RGeometrical descriptorsSize indices
1630SPAMaverage span RGeometrical descriptorsShape indices
1631MEccmolecular eccentricityGeometrical descriptorsShape indices
1632SPHspherosityGeometrical descriptorsShape indices
1633ASPasphericityGeometrical descriptorsShape indices
1634PJI33D Petitjean shape indexGeometrical descriptorsShape indices
1635L/Bwlength-to-breadth ratio by WHIMGeometrical descriptorsShape indices
1636HOMAHarmonic Oscillator Model of Aromaticity indexGeometrical descriptorsDelocalization-degree indices
1637CMBLconjugated maximum bond lengthGeometrical descriptorsDelocalization-degree indices
1638AROMaromaticity indexGeometrical descriptorsDelocalization-degree indices
1639HOMTHOMA totalGeometrical descriptorsDelocalization-degree indices
1640DISPmdisplacement value / weighted by massGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1641QXXmquadrupole x-component value / weighted by massGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1642QYYmquadrupole y-component value / weighted by massGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1643QZZmquadrupole z-component value / weighted by massGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1644DISPvdisplacement value / weighted by van der Waals volumeGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1645QXXvquadrupole x-component value / weighted by van der Waals volumeGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1646QYYvquadrupole y-component value / weighted by van der Waals volumeGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1647QZZvquadrupole z-component value / weighted by van der Waals volumeGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1648DISPedisplacement value / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1649QXXequadrupole x-component value / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1650QYYequadrupole y-component value / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1651QZZequadrupole z-component value / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1652DISPpdisplacement value / weighted by polarizabilityGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1653QXXpquadrupole x-component value / weighted by polarizabilityGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1654QYYpquadrupole y-component value / weighted by polarizabilityGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1655QZZpquadrupole z-component value / weighted by polarizabilityGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1656DISPidisplacement value / weighted by ionization potentialGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1657QXXiquadrupole x-component value / weighted by ionization potentialGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1658QYYiquadrupole y-component value / weighted by ionization potentialGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1659QZZiquadrupole z-component value / weighted by ionization potentialGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1660DISPsdisplacement value / weighted by I-stateGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1661QXXsquadrupole x-component value / weighted by I-stateGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1662QYYsquadrupole y-component value / weighted by I-stateGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1663QZZsquadrupole z-component value / weighted by I-stateGeometrical descriptorsCOMMA descriptors
1664Wi_GWiener-like index from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1665WiA_Gaverage Wiener-like index from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1666AVS_Gaverage vertex sum from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1667H_GHarary-like index from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1668Chi_GRandic-like index from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1669ChiA_Gaverage Randic-like index from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1670J_GBalaban-like index from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1671HyWi_Ghyper-Wiener-like index from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1672SpAbs_Ggraph energy from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1673SpPos_Gspectral positive sum from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1674SpPosA_Gnormalized spectral positive sum from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1675SpPosLog_Glogarithmic spectral positive sum from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1676SpMax_Gleading eigenvalue from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1677SpMaxA_Gnormalized leading eigenvalue from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1678SpDiam_Gspectral diameter from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1679SpAD_Gspectral absolute deviation from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1680SpMAD_Gspectral mean absolute deviation from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1681Ho_GHosoya-like index (log function) from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1682EE_GEstrada-like index (log function) from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1683SM2_Gspectral moment of order 2 from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1684SM3_Gspectral moment of order 3 from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1685SM4_Gspectral moment of order 4 from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1686SM5_Gspectral moment of order 5 from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1687SM6_Gspectral moment of order 6 from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1688VE1_Gcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1689VE2_Gaverage coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1690VE3_Glogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1691VE1sign_Gcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1692VE2sign_Gaverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1693VE3sign_Glogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1694VR1_GRandic-like eigenvector-based index from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1695VR2_Gnormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1696VR3_Glogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsGeometrical distance matrix (G)
1697Wi_RGWiener-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1698WiA_RGaverage Wiener-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1699AVS_RGaverage vertex sum from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1700H_RGHarary-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1701Chi_RGRandic-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1702ChiA_RGaverage Randic-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1703J_RGBalaban-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1704HyWi_RGhyper-Wiener-like index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1705SpAbs_RGgraph energy from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1706SpPos_RGspectral positive sum from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1707SpPosA_RGnormalized spectral positive sum from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1708SpPosLog_RGlogarithmic spectral positive sum from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1709SpMax_RGleading eigenvalue from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1710SpMaxA_RGnormalized leading eigenvalue from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1711SpDiam_RGspectral diameter from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1712SpAD_RGspectral absolute deviation from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1713SpMAD_RGspectral mean absolute deviation from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1714Ho_RGHosoya-like index (log function) from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1715EE_RGEstrada-like index (log function) from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1716SM2_RGspectral moment of order 2 from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1717SM3_RGspectral moment of order 3 from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1718SM4_RGspectral moment of order 4 from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1719SM5_RGspectral moment of order 5 from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1720SM6_RGspectral moment of order 6 from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1721VE1_RGcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1722VE2_RGaverage coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1723VE3_RGlogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1724VE1sign_RGcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1725VE2sign_RGaverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1726VE3sign_RGlogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1727VR1_RGRandic-like eigenvector-based index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1728VR2_RGnormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1729VR3_RGlogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from reciprocal squared geometrical matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsReciprocal squared geometrical distance matrix (RG)
1730Wi_G/DWiener-like index from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1731WiA_G/Daverage Wiener-like index from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1732AVS_G/Daverage vertex sum from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1733H_G/DHarary-like index from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1734Chi_G/DRandic-like index from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1735ChiA_G/Daverage Randic-like index from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1736J_G/DBalaban-like index from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1737HyWi_G/Dhyper-Wiener-like index from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1738SpAbs_G/Dgraph energy from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1739SpPos_G/Dspectral positive sum from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1740SpPosA_G/Dnormalized spectral positive sum from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1741SpPosLog_G/Dlogarithmic spectral positive sum from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1742SpMax_G/Dleading eigenvalue from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1743SpMaxA_G/Dnormalized leading eigenvalue from distance/distance matrix (folding degree index)3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1744SpDiam_G/Dspectral diameter from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1745SpAD_G/Dspectral absolute deviation from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1746SpMAD_G/Dspectral mean absolute deviation from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1747Ho_G/DHosoya-like index (log function) from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1748EE_G/DEstrada-like index (log function) from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1749SM2_G/Dspectral moment of order 2 from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1750SM3_G/Dspectral moment of order 3 from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1751SM4_G/Dspectral moment of order 4 from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1752SM5_G/Dspectral moment of order 5 from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1753SM6_G/Dspectral moment of order 6 from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1754VE1_G/Dcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1755VE2_G/Daverage coefficient of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1756VE3_G/Dlogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector (absolute values) from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1757VE1sign_G/Dcoefficient sum of the last eigenvector from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1758VE2sign_G/Daverage coefficient of the last eigenvector from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1759VE3sign_G/Dlogarithmic coefficient sum of the last eigenvector from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1760VR1_G/DRandic-like eigenvector-based index from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1761VR2_G/Dnormalized Randic-like eigenvector-based index from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1762VR3_G/Dlogarithmic Randic-like eigenvector-based index from distance/distance matrix3D matrix-based descriptorsDistance/distance matrix (G/D)
1763TDB01u3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 1 unweighted3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1764TDB02u3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 2 unweighted3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1765TDB03u3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 3 unweighted3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1766TDB04u3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 4 unweighted3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1767TDB05u3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 5 unweighted3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1768TDB06u3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 6 unweighted3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1769TDB07u3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 7 unweighted3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1770TDB08u3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 8 unweighted3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1771TDB09u3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 9 unweighted3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1772TDB10u3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 10 unweighted3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1773TDB01m3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 1 weighted by mass3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1774TDB02m3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 2 weighted by mass3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1775TDB03m3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 3 weighted by mass3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1776TDB04m3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 4 weighted by mass3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1777TDB05m3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 5 weighted by mass3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1778TDB06m3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 6 weighted by mass3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1779TDB07m3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 7 weighted by mass3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1780TDB08m3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 8 weighted by mass3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1781TDB09m3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 9 weighted by mass3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1782TDB10m3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 10 weighted by mass3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1783TDB01v3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 1 weighted by van der Waals volume3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1784TDB02v3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 2 weighted by van der Waals volume3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1785TDB03v3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 3 weighted by van der Waals volume3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1786TDB04v3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 4 weighted by van der Waals volume3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1787TDB05v3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 5 weighted by van der Waals volume3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1788TDB06v3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 6 weighted by van der Waals volume3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1789TDB07v3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 7 weighted by van der Waals volume3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1790TDB08v3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 8 weighted by van der Waals volume3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1791TDB09v3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 9 weighted by van der Waals volume3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1792TDB10v3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 10 weighted by van der Waals volume3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1793TDB01e3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 1 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1794TDB02e3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 2 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1795TDB03e3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 3 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1796TDB04e3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 4 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1797TDB05e3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 5 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1798TDB06e3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 6 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1799TDB07e3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 7 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1800TDB08e3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 8 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1801TDB09e3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 9 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1802TDB10e3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 10 weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1803TDB01p3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 1 weighted by polarizability3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1804TDB02p3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 2 weighted by polarizability3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1805TDB03p3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 3 weighted by polarizability3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1806TDB04p3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 4 weighted by polarizability3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1807TDB05p3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 5 weighted by polarizability3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1808TDB06p3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 6 weighted by polarizability3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1809TDB07p3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 7 weighted by polarizability3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1810TDB08p3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 8 weighted by polarizability3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1811TDB09p3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 9 weighted by polarizability3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1812TDB10p3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 10 weighted by polarizability3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1813TDB01i3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 1 weighted by ionization potential3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1814TDB02i3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 2 weighted by ionization potential3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1815TDB03i3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 3 weighted by ionization potential3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1816TDB04i3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 4 weighted by ionization potential3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1817TDB05i3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 5 weighted by ionization potential3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1818TDB06i3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 6 weighted by ionization potential3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1819TDB07i3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 7 weighted by ionization potential3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1820TDB08i3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 8 weighted by ionization potential3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1821TDB09i3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 9 weighted by ionization potential3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1822TDB10i3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 10 weighted by ionization potential3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1823TDB01s3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 1 weighted by I-state3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1824TDB02s3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 2 weighted by I-state3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1825TDB03s3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 3 weighted by I-state3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1826TDB04s3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 4 weighted by I-state3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1827TDB05s3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 5 weighted by I-state3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1828TDB06s3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 6 weighted by I-state3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1829TDB07s3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 7 weighted by I-state3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1830TDB08s3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 8 weighted by I-state3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1831TDB09s3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 9 weighted by I-state3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1832TDB10s3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 10 weighted by I-state3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1833TDB01r3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 1 weighted by covalent radius3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1834TDB02r3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 2 weighted by covalent radius3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1835TDB03r3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 3 weighted by covalent radius3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1836TDB04r3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 4 weighted by covalent radius3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1837TDB05r3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 5 weighted by covalent radius3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1838TDB06r3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 6 weighted by covalent radius3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1839TDB07r3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 7 weighted by covalent radius3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1840TDB08r3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 8 weighted by covalent radius3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1841TDB09r3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 9 weighted by covalent radius3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1842TDB10r3D Topological distance based descriptors - lag 10 weighted by covalent radius3D autocorrelationsTDB autocorrelations
1843RDF010uRadial Distribution Function - 010 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1844RDF015uRadial Distribution Function - 015 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1845RDF020uRadial Distribution Function - 020 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1846RDF025uRadial Distribution Function - 025 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1847RDF030uRadial Distribution Function - 030 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1848RDF035uRadial Distribution Function - 035 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1849RDF040uRadial Distribution Function - 040 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1850RDF045uRadial Distribution Function - 045 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1851RDF050uRadial Distribution Function - 050 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1852RDF055uRadial Distribution Function - 055 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1853RDF060uRadial Distribution Function - 060 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1854RDF065uRadial Distribution Function - 065 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1855RDF070uRadial Distribution Function - 070 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1856RDF075uRadial Distribution Function - 075 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1857RDF080uRadial Distribution Function - 080 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1858RDF085uRadial Distribution Function - 085 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1859RDF090uRadial Distribution Function - 090 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1860RDF095uRadial Distribution Function - 095 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1861RDF100uRadial Distribution Function - 100 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1862RDF105uRadial Distribution Function - 105 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1863RDF110uRadial Distribution Function - 110 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1864RDF115uRadial Distribution Function - 115 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1865RDF120uRadial Distribution Function - 120 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1866RDF125uRadial Distribution Function - 125 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1867RDF130uRadial Distribution Function - 130 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1868RDF135uRadial Distribution Function - 135 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1869RDF140uRadial Distribution Function - 140 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1870RDF145uRadial Distribution Function - 145 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1871RDF150uRadial Distribution Function - 150 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1872RDF155uRadial Distribution Function - 155 / unweightedRDF descriptorsUnweighted
1873RDF010mRadial Distribution Function - 010 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1874RDF015mRadial Distribution Function - 015 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1875RDF020mRadial Distribution Function - 020 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1876RDF025mRadial Distribution Function - 025 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1877RDF030mRadial Distribution Function - 030 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1878RDF035mRadial Distribution Function - 035 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1879RDF040mRadial Distribution Function - 040 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1880RDF045mRadial Distribution Function - 045 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1881RDF050mRadial Distribution Function - 050 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1882RDF055mRadial Distribution Function - 055 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1883RDF060mRadial Distribution Function - 060 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1884RDF065mRadial Distribution Function - 065 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1885RDF070mRadial Distribution Function - 070 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1886RDF075mRadial Distribution Function - 075 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1887RDF080mRadial Distribution Function - 080 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1888RDF085mRadial Distribution Function - 085 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1889RDF090mRadial Distribution Function - 090 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1890RDF095mRadial Distribution Function - 095 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1891RDF100mRadial Distribution Function - 100 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1892RDF105mRadial Distribution Function - 105 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1893RDF110mRadial Distribution Function - 110 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1894RDF115mRadial Distribution Function - 115 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1895RDF120mRadial Distribution Function - 120 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1896RDF125mRadial Distribution Function - 125 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1897RDF130mRadial Distribution Function - 130 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1898RDF135mRadial Distribution Function - 135 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1899RDF140mRadial Distribution Function - 140 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1900RDF145mRadial Distribution Function - 145 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1901RDF150mRadial Distribution Function - 150 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1902RDF155mRadial Distribution Function - 155 / weighted by massRDF descriptorsWeighted by mass
1903RDF010vRadial Distribution Function - 010 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1904RDF015vRadial Distribution Function - 015 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1905RDF020vRadial Distribution Function - 020 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1906RDF025vRadial Distribution Function - 025 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1907RDF030vRadial Distribution Function - 030 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1908RDF035vRadial Distribution Function - 035 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1909RDF040vRadial Distribution Function - 040 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1910RDF045vRadial Distribution Function - 045 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1911RDF050vRadial Distribution Function - 050 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1912RDF055vRadial Distribution Function - 055 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1913RDF060vRadial Distribution Function - 060 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1914RDF065vRadial Distribution Function - 065 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1915RDF070vRadial Distribution Function - 070 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1916RDF075vRadial Distribution Function - 075 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1917RDF080vRadial Distribution Function - 080 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1918RDF085vRadial Distribution Function - 085 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1919RDF090vRadial Distribution Function - 090 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1920RDF095vRadial Distribution Function - 095 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1921RDF100vRadial Distribution Function - 100 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1922RDF105vRadial Distribution Function - 105 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1923RDF110vRadial Distribution Function - 110 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1924RDF115vRadial Distribution Function - 115 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1925RDF120vRadial Distribution Function - 120 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1926RDF125vRadial Distribution Function - 125 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1927RDF130vRadial Distribution Function - 130 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1928RDF135vRadial Distribution Function - 135 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1929RDF140vRadial Distribution Function - 140 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1930RDF145vRadial Distribution Function - 145 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1931RDF150vRadial Distribution Function - 150 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1932RDF155vRadial Distribution Function - 155 / weighted by van der Waals volumeRDF descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
1933RDF010eRadial Distribution Function - 010 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1934RDF015eRadial Distribution Function - 015 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1935RDF020eRadial Distribution Function - 020 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1936RDF025eRadial Distribution Function - 025 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1937RDF030eRadial Distribution Function - 030 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1938RDF035eRadial Distribution Function - 035 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1939RDF040eRadial Distribution Function - 040 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1940RDF045eRadial Distribution Function - 045 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1941RDF050eRadial Distribution Function - 050 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1942RDF055eRadial Distribution Function - 055 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1943RDF060eRadial Distribution Function - 060 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1944RDF065eRadial Distribution Function - 065 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1945RDF070eRadial Distribution Function - 070 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1946RDF075eRadial Distribution Function - 075 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1947RDF080eRadial Distribution Function - 080 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1948RDF085eRadial Distribution Function - 085 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1949RDF090eRadial Distribution Function - 090 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1950RDF095eRadial Distribution Function - 095 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1951RDF100eRadial Distribution Function - 100 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1952RDF105eRadial Distribution Function - 105 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1953RDF110eRadial Distribution Function - 110 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1954RDF115eRadial Distribution Function - 115 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1955RDF120eRadial Distribution Function - 120 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1956RDF125eRadial Distribution Function - 125 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1957RDF130eRadial Distribution Function - 130 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1958RDF135eRadial Distribution Function - 135 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1959RDF140eRadial Distribution Function - 140 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1960RDF145eRadial Distribution Function - 145 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1961RDF150eRadial Distribution Function - 150 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1962RDF155eRadial Distribution Function - 155 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityRDF descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
1963RDF010pRadial Distribution Function - 010 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1964RDF015pRadial Distribution Function - 015 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1965RDF020pRadial Distribution Function - 020 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1966RDF025pRadial Distribution Function - 025 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1967RDF030pRadial Distribution Function - 030 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1968RDF035pRadial Distribution Function - 035 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1969RDF040pRadial Distribution Function - 040 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1970RDF045pRadial Distribution Function - 045 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1971RDF050pRadial Distribution Function - 050 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1972RDF055pRadial Distribution Function - 055 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1973RDF060pRadial Distribution Function - 060 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1974RDF065pRadial Distribution Function - 065 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1975RDF070pRadial Distribution Function - 070 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1976RDF075pRadial Distribution Function - 075 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1977RDF080pRadial Distribution Function - 080 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1978RDF085pRadial Distribution Function - 085 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1979RDF090pRadial Distribution Function - 090 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1980RDF095pRadial Distribution Function - 095 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1981RDF100pRadial Distribution Function - 100 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1982RDF105pRadial Distribution Function - 105 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1983RDF110pRadial Distribution Function - 110 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1984RDF115pRadial Distribution Function - 115 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1985RDF120pRadial Distribution Function - 120 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1986RDF125pRadial Distribution Function - 125 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1987RDF130pRadial Distribution Function - 130 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1988RDF135pRadial Distribution Function - 135 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1989RDF140pRadial Distribution Function - 140 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1990RDF145pRadial Distribution Function - 145 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1991RDF150pRadial Distribution Function - 150 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1992RDF155pRadial Distribution Function - 155 / weighted by polarizabilityRDF descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
1993RDF010iRadial Distribution Function - 010 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
1994RDF015iRadial Distribution Function - 015 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
1995RDF020iRadial Distribution Function - 020 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
1996RDF025iRadial Distribution Function - 025 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
1997RDF030iRadial Distribution Function - 030 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
1998RDF035iRadial Distribution Function - 035 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
1999RDF040iRadial Distribution Function - 040 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2000RDF045iRadial Distribution Function - 045 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2001RDF050iRadial Distribution Function - 050 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2002RDF055iRadial Distribution Function - 055 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2003RDF060iRadial Distribution Function - 060 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2004RDF065iRadial Distribution Function - 065 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2005RDF070iRadial Distribution Function - 070 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2006RDF075iRadial Distribution Function - 075 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2007RDF080iRadial Distribution Function - 080 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2008RDF085iRadial Distribution Function - 085 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2009RDF090iRadial Distribution Function - 090 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2010RDF095iRadial Distribution Function - 095 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2011RDF100iRadial Distribution Function - 100 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2012RDF105iRadial Distribution Function - 105 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2013RDF110iRadial Distribution Function - 110 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2014RDF115iRadial Distribution Function - 115 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2015RDF120iRadial Distribution Function - 120 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2016RDF125iRadial Distribution Function - 125 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2017RDF130iRadial Distribution Function - 130 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2018RDF135iRadial Distribution Function - 135 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2019RDF140iRadial Distribution Function - 140 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2020RDF145iRadial Distribution Function - 145 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2021RDF150iRadial Distribution Function - 150 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2022RDF155iRadial Distribution Function - 155 / weighted by ionization potentialRDF descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2023RDF010sRadial Distribution Function - 010 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2024RDF015sRadial Distribution Function - 015 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2025RDF020sRadial Distribution Function - 020 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2026RDF025sRadial Distribution Function - 025 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2027RDF030sRadial Distribution Function - 030 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2028RDF035sRadial Distribution Function - 035 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2029RDF040sRadial Distribution Function - 040 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2030RDF045sRadial Distribution Function - 045 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2031RDF050sRadial Distribution Function - 050 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2032RDF055sRadial Distribution Function - 055 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2033RDF060sRadial Distribution Function - 060 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2034RDF065sRadial Distribution Function - 065 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2035RDF070sRadial Distribution Function - 070 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2036RDF075sRadial Distribution Function - 075 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2037RDF080sRadial Distribution Function - 080 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2038RDF085sRadial Distribution Function - 085 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2039RDF090sRadial Distribution Function - 090 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2040RDF095sRadial Distribution Function - 095 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2041RDF100sRadial Distribution Function - 100 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2042RDF105sRadial Distribution Function - 105 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2043RDF110sRadial Distribution Function - 110 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2044RDF115sRadial Distribution Function - 115 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2045RDF120sRadial Distribution Function - 120 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2046RDF125sRadial Distribution Function - 125 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2047RDF130sRadial Distribution Function - 130 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2048RDF135sRadial Distribution Function - 135 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2049RDF140sRadial Distribution Function - 140 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2050RDF145sRadial Distribution Function - 145 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2051RDF150sRadial Distribution Function - 150 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2052RDF155sRadial Distribution Function - 155 / weighted by I-stateRDF descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2053Mor01usignal 01 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2054Mor02usignal 02 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2055Mor03usignal 03 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2056Mor04usignal 04 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2057Mor05usignal 05 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2058Mor06usignal 06 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2059Mor07usignal 07 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2060Mor08usignal 08 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2061Mor09usignal 09 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2062Mor10usignal 10 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2063Mor11usignal 11 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2064Mor12usignal 12 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2065Mor13usignal 13 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2066Mor14usignal 14 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2067Mor15usignal 15 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2068Mor16usignal 16 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2069Mor17usignal 17 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2070Mor18usignal 18 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2071Mor19usignal 19 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2072Mor20usignal 20 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2073Mor21usignal 21 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2074Mor22usignal 22 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2075Mor23usignal 23 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2076Mor24usignal 24 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2077Mor25usignal 25 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2078Mor26usignal 26 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2079Mor27usignal 27 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2080Mor28usignal 28 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2081Mor29usignal 29 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2082Mor30usignal 30 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2083Mor31usignal 31 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2084Mor32usignal 32 / unweighted3D-MoRSE descriptorsUnweighted
2085Mor01msignal 01 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2086Mor02msignal 02 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2087Mor03msignal 03 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2088Mor04msignal 04 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2089Mor05msignal 05 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2090Mor06msignal 06 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2091Mor07msignal 07 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2092Mor08msignal 08 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2093Mor09msignal 09 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2094Mor10msignal 10 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2095Mor11msignal 11 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2096Mor12msignal 12 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2097Mor13msignal 13 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2098Mor14msignal 14 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2099Mor15msignal 15 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2100Mor16msignal 16 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2101Mor17msignal 17 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2102Mor18msignal 18 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2103Mor19msignal 19 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2104Mor20msignal 20 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2105Mor21msignal 21 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2106Mor22msignal 22 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2107Mor23msignal 23 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2108Mor24msignal 24 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2109Mor25msignal 25 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2110Mor26msignal 26 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2111Mor27msignal 27 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2112Mor28msignal 28 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2113Mor29msignal 29 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2114Mor30msignal 30 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2115Mor31msignal 31 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2116Mor32msignal 32 / weighted by mass3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by mass
2117Mor01vsignal 01 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2118Mor02vsignal 02 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2119Mor03vsignal 03 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2120Mor04vsignal 04 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2121Mor05vsignal 05 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2122Mor06vsignal 06 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2123Mor07vsignal 07 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2124Mor08vsignal 08 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2125Mor09vsignal 09 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2126Mor10vsignal 10 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2127Mor11vsignal 11 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2128Mor12vsignal 12 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2129Mor13vsignal 13 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2130Mor14vsignal 14 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2131Mor15vsignal 15 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2132Mor16vsignal 16 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2133Mor17vsignal 17 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2134Mor18vsignal 18 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2135Mor19vsignal 19 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2136Mor20vsignal 20 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2137Mor21vsignal 21 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2138Mor22vsignal 22 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2139Mor23vsignal 23 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2140Mor24vsignal 24 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2141Mor25vsignal 25 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2142Mor26vsignal 26 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2143Mor27vsignal 27 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2144Mor28vsignal 28 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2145Mor29vsignal 29 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2146Mor30vsignal 30 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2147Mor31vsignal 31 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2148Mor32vsignal 32 / weighted by van der Waals volume3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by van der Waals volume
2149Mor01esignal 01 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2150Mor02esignal 02 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2151Mor03esignal 03 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2152Mor04esignal 04 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2153Mor05esignal 05 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2154Mor06esignal 06 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2155Mor07esignal 07 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2156Mor08esignal 08 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2157Mor09esignal 09 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2158Mor10esignal 10 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2159Mor11esignal 11 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2160Mor12esignal 12 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2161Mor13esignal 13 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2162Mor14esignal 14 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2163Mor15esignal 15 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2164Mor16esignal 16 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2165Mor17esignal 17 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2166Mor18esignal 18 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2167Mor19esignal 19 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2168Mor20esignal 20 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2169Mor21esignal 21 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2170Mor22esignal 22 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2171Mor23esignal 23 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2172Mor24esignal 24 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2173Mor25esignal 25 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2174Mor26esignal 26 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2175Mor27esignal 27 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2176Mor28esignal 28 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2177Mor29esignal 29 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2178Mor30esignal 30 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2179Mor31esignal 31 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2180Mor32esignal 32 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativity3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by Sanderson electronegativity
2181Mor01psignal 01 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2182Mor02psignal 02 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2183Mor03psignal 03 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2184Mor04psignal 04 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2185Mor05psignal 05 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2186Mor06psignal 06 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2187Mor07psignal 07 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2188Mor08psignal 08 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2189Mor09psignal 09 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2190Mor10psignal 10 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2191Mor11psignal 11 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2192Mor12psignal 12 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2193Mor13psignal 13 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2194Mor14psignal 14 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2195Mor15psignal 15 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2196Mor16psignal 16 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2197Mor17psignal 17 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2198Mor18psignal 18 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2199Mor19psignal 19 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2200Mor20psignal 20 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2201Mor21psignal 21 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2202Mor22psignal 22 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2203Mor23psignal 23 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2204Mor24psignal 24 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2205Mor25psignal 25 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2206Mor26psignal 26 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2207Mor27psignal 27 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2208Mor28psignal 28 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2209Mor29psignal 29 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2210Mor30psignal 30 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2211Mor31psignal 31 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2212Mor32psignal 32 / weighted by polarizability3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by polarizability
2213Mor01isignal 01 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2214Mor02isignal 02 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2215Mor03isignal 03 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2216Mor04isignal 04 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2217Mor05isignal 05 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2218Mor06isignal 06 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2219Mor07isignal 07 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2220Mor08isignal 08 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2221Mor09isignal 09 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2222Mor10isignal 10 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2223Mor11isignal 11 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2224Mor12isignal 12 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2225Mor13isignal 13 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2226Mor14isignal 14 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2227Mor15isignal 15 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2228Mor16isignal 16 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2229Mor17isignal 17 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2230Mor18isignal 18 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2231Mor19isignal 19 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2232Mor20isignal 20 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2233Mor21isignal 21 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2234Mor22isignal 22 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2235Mor23isignal 23 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2236Mor24isignal 24 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2237Mor25isignal 25 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2238Mor26isignal 26 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2239Mor27isignal 27 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2240Mor28isignal 28 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2241Mor29isignal 29 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2242Mor30isignal 30 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2243Mor31isignal 31 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2244Mor32isignal 32 / weighted by ionization potential3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by ionization potential
2245Mor01ssignal 01 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2246Mor02ssignal 02 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2247Mor03ssignal 03 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2248Mor04ssignal 04 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2249Mor05ssignal 05 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2250Mor06ssignal 06 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2251Mor07ssignal 07 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2252Mor08ssignal 08 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2253Mor09ssignal 09 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2254Mor10ssignal 10 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2255Mor11ssignal 11 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2256Mor12ssignal 12 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2257Mor13ssignal 13 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2258Mor14ssignal 14 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2259Mor15ssignal 15 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2260Mor16ssignal 16 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2261Mor17ssignal 17 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2262Mor18ssignal 18 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2263Mor19ssignal 19 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2264Mor20ssignal 20 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2265Mor21ssignal 21 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2266Mor22ssignal 22 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2267Mor23ssignal 23 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2268Mor24ssignal 24 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2269Mor25ssignal 25 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2270Mor26ssignal 26 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2271Mor27ssignal 27 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2272Mor28ssignal 28 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2273Mor29ssignal 29 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2274Mor30ssignal 30 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2275Mor31ssignal 31 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2276Mor32ssignal 32 / weighted by I-state3D-MoRSE descriptorsWeighted by I-state
2277L1u1st component size directional WHIM index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2278L2u2nd component size directional WHIM index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2279L3u3rd component size directional WHIM index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2280P1u1st component shape directional WHIM index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2281P2u2nd component shape directional WHIM index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2282G1u1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2283G2u2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2284G3u3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2285E1u1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2286E2u2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2287E3u3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2288L1m1st component size directional WHIM index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2289L2m2nd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2290L3m3rd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2291P1m1st component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2292P2m2nd component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2293G1m1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2294G2m2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2295G3m3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2296E1m1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2297E2m2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2298E3m3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2299L1v1st component size directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2300L2v2nd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2301L3v3rd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2302P1v1st component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2303P2v2nd component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2304G1v1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2305G2v2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2306G3v3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2307E1v1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2308E2v2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2309E3v3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2310L1e1st component size directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2311L2e2nd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2312L3e3rd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2313P1e1st component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2314P2e2nd component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2315G1e1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2316G2e2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2317G3e3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2318E1e1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2319E2e2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2320E3e3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2321L1p1st component size directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2322L2p2nd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2323L3p3rd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2324P1p1st component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2325P2p2nd component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2326G1p1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2327G2p2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2328G3p3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2329E1p1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2330E2p2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2331E3p3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2332L1i1st component size directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2333L2i2nd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2334L3i3rd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2335P1i1st component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2336P2i2nd component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2337G1i1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2338G2i2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2339G3i3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2340E1i1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2341E2i2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2342E3i3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2343L1s1st component size directional WHIM index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2344L2s2nd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2345L3s3rd component size directional WHIM index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2346P1s1st component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2347P2s2nd component shape directional WHIM index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2348G1s1st component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2349G2s2nd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2350G3s3rd component symmetry directional WHIM index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2351E1s1st component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2352E2s2nd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2353E3s3rd component accessibility directional WHIM index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsDirectional descriptors
2354TuT total size index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2355TmT total size index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2356TvT total size index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2357TeT total size index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2358TpT total size index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2359TiT total size index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2360TsT total size index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2361AuA total size index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2362AmA total size index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2363AvA total size index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2364AeA total size index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2365ApA total size index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2366AiA total size index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2367AsA total size index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2368Gutotal symmetry index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2369Gmtotal symmetry index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2370KuK global shape index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2371KmK global shape index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2372KvK global shape index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2373KeK global shape index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2374KpK global shape index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2375KiK global shape index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2376KsK global shape index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2377DuD total accessibility index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2378DmD total accessibility index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2379DvD total accessibility index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2380DeD total accessibility index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2381DpD total accessibility index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2382DiD total accessibility index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2383DsD total accessibility index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2384VuV total size index / unweightedWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2385VmV total size index / weighted by massWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2386VvV total size index / weighted by van der Waals volumeWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2387VeV total size index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2388VpV total size index / weighted by polarizabilityWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2389ViV total size index / weighted by ionization potentialWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2390VsV total size index / weighted by I-stateWHIM descriptorsGlobal descriptors
2391ITHtotal information content on the leverage equalityGETAWAY descriptorsBasic descriptors
2392ISHstandardized information content on the leverage equalityGETAWAY descriptorsBasic descriptors
2393HICmean information content on the leverage magnitudeGETAWAY descriptorsBasic descriptors
2394HGMgeometric mean on the leverage magnitudeGETAWAY descriptorsBasic descriptors
2395H0uH autocorrelation of lag 0 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2396H1uH autocorrelation of lag 1 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2397H2uH autocorrelation of lag 2 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2398H3uH autocorrelation of lag 3 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2399H4uH autocorrelation of lag 4 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2400H5uH autocorrelation of lag 5 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2401H6uH autocorrelation of lag 6 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2402H7uH autocorrelation of lag 7 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2403H8uH autocorrelation of lag 8 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2404HTuH total index / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2405HATS0uleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2406HATS1uleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2407HATS2uleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2408HATS3uleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2409HATS4uleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2410HATS5uleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2411HATS6uleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2412HATS7uleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2413HATS8uleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2414HATSuleverage-weighted total index / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2415H0mH autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2416H1mH autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2417H2mH autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2418H3mH autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2419H4mH autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2420H5mH autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2421H6mH autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2422H7mH autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2423H8mH autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2424HTmH total index / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2425HATS0mleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2426HATS1mleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2427HATS2mleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2428HATS3mleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2429HATS4mleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2430HATS5mleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2431HATS6mleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2432HATS7mleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2433HATS8mleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2434HATSmleverage-weighted total index / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2435H0vH autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2436H1vH autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2437H2vH autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2438H3vH autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2439H4vH autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2440H5vH autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2441H6vH autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2442H7vH autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2443H8vH autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2444HTvH total index / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2445HATS0vleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2446HATS1vleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2447HATS2vleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2448HATS3vleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2449HATS4vleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2450HATS5vleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2451HATS6vleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2452HATS7vleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2453HATS8vleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2454HATSvleverage-weighted total index / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2455H0eH autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2456H1eH autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2457H2eH autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2458H3eH autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2459H4eH autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2460H5eH autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2461H6eH autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2462H7eH autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2463H8eH autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2464HTeH total index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2465HATS0eleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2466HATS1eleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2467HATS2eleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2468HATS3eleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2469HATS4eleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2470HATS5eleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2471HATS6eleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2472HATS7eleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2473HATS8eleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2474HATSeleverage-weighted total index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2475H0pH autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2476H1pH autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2477H2pH autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2478H3pH autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2479H4pH autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2480H5pH autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2481H6pH autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2482H7pH autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2483H8pH autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2484HTpH total index / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2485HATS0pleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2486HATS1pleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2487HATS2pleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2488HATS3pleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2489HATS4pleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2490HATS5pleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2491HATS6pleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2492HATS7pleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2493HATS8pleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2494HATSpleverage-weighted total index / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2495H0iH autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2496H1iH autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2497H2iH autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2498H3iH autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2499H4iH autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2500H5iH autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2501H6iH autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2502H7iH autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2503H8iH autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2504HTiH total index / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2505HATS0ileverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2506HATS1ileverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2507HATS2ileverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2508HATS3ileverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2509HATS4ileverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2510HATS5ileverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2511HATS6ileverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2512HATS7ileverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2513HATS8ileverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2514HATSileverage-weighted total index / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2515H0sH autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2516H1sH autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2517H2sH autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2518H3sH autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2519H4sH autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2520H5sH autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2521H6sH autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2522H7sH autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2523H8sH autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2524HTsH total index / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2525HATS0sleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 0 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2526HATS1sleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2527HATS2sleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2528HATS3sleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2529HATS4sleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2530HATS5sleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2531HATS6sleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2532HATS7sleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2533HATS8sleverage-weighted autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2534HATSsleverage-weighted total index / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsH-indices
2535RCONRandic-type R matrix connectivityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2536RARSR matrix average row sumGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2537REIGfirst eigenvalue of the R matrixGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2538R1uR autocorrelation of lag 1 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2539R2uR autocorrelation of lag 2 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2540R3uR autocorrelation of lag 3 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2541R4uR autocorrelation of lag 4 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2542R5uR autocorrelation of lag 5 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2543R6uR autocorrelation of lag 6 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2544R7uR autocorrelation of lag 7 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2545R8uR autocorrelation of lag 8 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2546RTuR total index / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2547R1u+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2548R2u+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2549R3u+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2550R4u+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2551R5u+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2552R6u+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2553R7u+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2554R8u+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2555RTu+R maximal index / unweightedGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2556R1mR autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2557R2mR autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2558R3mR autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2559R4mR autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2560R5mR autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2561R6mR autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2562R7mR autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2563R8mR autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2564RTmR total index / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2565R1m+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2566R2m+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2567R3m+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2568R4m+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2569R5m+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2570R6m+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2571R7m+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2572R8m+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2573RTm+R maximal index / weighted by massGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2574R1vR autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2575R2vR autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2576R3vR autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2577R4vR autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2578R5vR autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2579R6vR autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2580R7vR autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2581R8vR autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2582RTvR total index / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2583R1v+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2584R2v+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2585R3v+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2586R4v+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2587R5v+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2588R6v+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2589R7v+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2590R8v+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2591RTv+R maximal index / weighted by van der Waals volumeGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2592R1eR autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2593R2eR autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2594R3eR autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2595R4eR autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2596R5eR autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2597R6eR autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2598R7eR autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2599R8eR autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2600RTeR total index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2601R1e+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2602R2e+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2603R3e+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2604R4e+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2605R5e+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2606R6e+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2607R7e+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2608R8e+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2609RTe+R maximal index / weighted by Sanderson electronegativityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2610R1pR autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2611R2pR autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2612R3pR autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2613R4pR autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2614R5pR autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2615R6pR autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2616R7pR autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2617R8pR autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2618RTpR total index / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2619R1p+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2620R2p+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2621R3p+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2622R4p+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2623R5p+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2624R6p+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2625R7p+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2626R8p+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2627RTp+R maximal index / weighted by polarizabilityGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2628R1iR autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2629R2iR autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2630R3iR autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2631R4iR autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2632R5iR autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2633R6iR autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2634R7iR autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2635R8iR autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2636RTiR total index / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2637R1i+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2638R2i+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2639R3i+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2640R4i+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2641R5i+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2642R6i+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2643R7i+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2644R8i+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2645RTi+R maximal index / weighted by ionization potentialGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2646R1sR autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2647R2sR autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2648R3sR autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2649R4sR autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2650R5sR autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2651R6sR autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2652R7sR autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2653R8sR autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2654RTsR total index / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2655R1s+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 1 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2656R2s+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 2 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2657R3s+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 3 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2658R4s+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 4 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2659R5s+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 5 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2660R6s+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 6 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2661R7s+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 7 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2662R8s+R maximal autocorrelation of lag 8 / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2663RTs+R maximal index / weighted by I-stateGETAWAY descriptorsR-indices
2664DP01molecular profile no. 1Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2665DP02molecular profile no. 2Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2666DP03molecular profile no. 3Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2667DP04molecular profile no. 4Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2668DP05molecular profile no. 5Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2669DP06molecular profile no. 6Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2670DP07molecular profile no. 7Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2671DP08molecular profile no. 8Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2672DP09molecular profile no. 9Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2673DP10molecular profile no. 10Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2674DP11molecular profile no. 11Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2675DP12molecular profile no. 12Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2676DP13molecular profile no. 13Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2677DP14molecular profile no. 14Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2678DP15molecular profile no. 15Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2679DP16molecular profile no. 16Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2680DP17molecular profile no. 17Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2681DP18molecular profile no. 18Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2682DP19molecular profile no. 19Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2683DP20molecular profile no. 20Randic molecular profilesMolecular profiles
2684SP01shape profile no. 1Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2685SP02shape profile no. 2Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2686SP03shape profile no. 3Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2687SP04shape profile no. 4Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2688SP05shape profile no. 5Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2689SP06shape profile no. 6Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2690SP07shape profile no. 7Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2691SP08shape profile no. 8Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2692SP09shape profile no. 9Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2693SP10shape profile no. 10Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2694SP11shape profile no. 11Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2695SP12shape profile no. 12Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2696SP13shape profile no. 13Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2697SP14shape profile no. 14Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2698SP15shape profile no. 15Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2699SP16shape profile no. 16Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2700SP17shape profile no. 17Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2701SP18shape profile no. 18Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2702SP19shape profile no. 19Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2703SP20shape profile no. 20Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2704SHP2average shape profile index of order 2Randic molecular profilesShape profiles
2705nCpnumber of terminal primary C(sp3)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2706nCsnumber of total secondary C(sp3)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2707nCtnumber of total tertiary C(sp3)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2708nCqnumber of total quaternary C(sp3)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2709nCrsnumber of ring secondary C(sp3)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2710nCrtnumber of ring tertiary C(sp3)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2711nCrqnumber of ring quaternary C(sp3)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2712nCarnumber of aromatic C(sp2)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2713nCbHnumber of unsubstituted benzene C(sp2)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2714nCb-number of substituted benzene C(sp2)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2715nCconjnumber of non-aromatic conjugated C(sp2)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2716nR=Cpnumber of terminal primary C(sp2)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2717nR=Csnumber of aliphatic secondary C(sp2)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2718nR=Ctnumber of aliphatic tertiary C(sp2)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2719n=C=number of allenes groupsFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2720nR#CH/Xnumber of terminal C(sp)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2721nR#C-number of non-terminal C(sp)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2722nROCNnumber of cyanates (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2723nArOCNnumber of cyanates (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2724nRNCOnumber of isocyanates (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2725nArNCOnumber of isocyanates (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2726nRSCNnumber of thiocyanates (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2727nArSCNnumber of thiocyanates (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2728nRNCSnumber of isothiocyanates (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2729nArNCSnumber of isothiocyanates (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2730nRCOOHnumber of carboxylic acids (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2731nArCOOHnumber of carboxylic acids (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2732nRCOORnumber of esters (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2733nArCOORnumber of esters (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2734nRCONH2number of primary amides (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2735nArCONH2number of primary amides (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2736nRCONHRnumber of secondary amides (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2737nArCONHRnumber of secondary amides (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2738nRCONR2number of tertiary amides (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2739nArCONR2number of tertiary amides (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2740nROCONnumber of (thio-) carbamates (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2741nArOCONnumber of (thio-) carbamates (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2742nRCOXnumber of acyl halogenides (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2743nArCOXnumber of acyl halogenides (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2744nRCSOHnumber of thioacids (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2745nArCSOHnumber of thioacids (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2746nRCSSHnumber of dithioacids (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2747nArCSSHnumber of dithioacids (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2748nRCOSRnumber of thioesters (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2749nArCOSRnumber of thioesters (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2750nRCSSRnumber of dithioesters (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2751nArCSSRnumber of dithioesters (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2752nRCHOnumber of aldehydes (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2753nArCHOnumber of aldehydes (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2754nRCOnumber of ketones (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2755nArCOnumber of ketones (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2756nCONNnumber of urea (-thio) derivativesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2757nC=O(O)2number of carbonate (-thio) derivativesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2758nN=C-N<number of amidine derivativesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2759nC(=N)N2number of guanidine derivativesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2760nRC=Nnumber of imines (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2761nArC=Nnumber of imines (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2762nRCNOnumber of oximes (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2763nArCNOnumber of oximes (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2764nRNH2number of primary amines (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2765nArNH2number of primary amines (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2766nRNHRnumber of secondary amines (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2767nArNHRnumber of secondary amines (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2768nRNR2number of tertiary amines (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2769nArNR2number of tertiary amines (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2770nN-Nnumber of N hydrazinesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2771nN=Nnumber of N azo-derivativesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2772nRCNnumber of nitriles (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2773nArCNnumber of nitriles (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2774nN+number of positively charged NFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2775nNqnumber of quaternary NFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2776nRNHOnumber of hydroxylamines (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2777nArNHOnumber of hydroxylamines (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2778nRNNOxnumber of N-nitroso groups (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2779nArNNOxnumber of N-nitroso groups (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2780nRNOnumber of nitroso groups (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2781nArNOnumber of nitroso groups (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2782nRNO2number of nitro groups (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2783nArNO2number of nitro groups (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2784nN(CO)2number of imides (-thio)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2785nC=N-N<number of hydrazonesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2786nROHnumber of hydroxyl groupsFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2787nArOHnumber of aromatic hydroxylsFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2788nOHpnumber of primary alcoholsFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2789nOHsnumber of secondary alcoholsFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2790nOHtnumber of tertiary alcoholsFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2791nRORnumber of ethers (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2792nArORnumber of ethers (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2793nROXnumber of hypohalogenides (aliphatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2794nArOXnumber of hypohalogenides (aromatic)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2795nO(C=O)2number of anhydrides (-thio)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2796nH2Onumber of water moleculesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2797nSHnumber of thiolsFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2798nC=Snumber of thioketonesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2799nRSRnumber of sulfidesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2800nRSSRnumber of disulfidesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2801nSOnumber of sulfoxidesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2802nS(=O)2number of sulfonesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2803nSOHnumber of sulfenic (thio-) acidsFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2804nSOOHnumber of sulfinic (thio-/dithio-) acidsFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2805nSO2OHnumber of sulfonic (thio-/dithio-) acidsFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2806nSO3OHnumber of sulfuric (thio-/dithio-) acidsFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2807nSO2number of sulfites (thio-/dithio-)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2808nSO3number of sulfonates (thio-/dithio-)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2809nSO4number of sulfates (thio-/dithio-)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2810nSO2Nnumber of sulfonamides (thio-/dithio-)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2811nPO3number of phosphites/thiophosphitesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2812nPO4number of phosphates/thiophosphatesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2813nPR3number of phosphanesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2814nP(=O)O2Rnumber of phosphonates (thio-)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2815nP(=O)R3/nPR5number of phosphoranes (thio-)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2816nCH2RXnumber of CH2RXFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2817nCHR2Xnumber of CHR2XFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2818nCR3Xnumber of CR3XFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2819nR=CHXnumber of R=CHXFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2820nR=CRXnumber of R=CRXFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2821nR#CXnumber of R#CXFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2822nCHRX2number of CHRX2Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2823nCR2X2number of CR2X2Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2824nR=CX2number of R=CX2Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2825nCRX3number of CRX3Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2826nArXnumber of X on aromatic ringFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2827nCXrnumber of X on ring C(sp3)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2828nCXr=number of X on ring C(sp2)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2829nCconjXnumber of X on exo-conjugated CFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2830nAziridinesnumber of AziridinesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2831nOxiranesnumber of OxiranesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2832nThiranesnumber of ThiranesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2833nAzetidinesnumber of AzetidinesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2834nOxetanesnumber of OxetanesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2835nThioethanesnumber of ThioethanesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2836nBeta-Lactamsnumber of Beta-LactamsFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2837nPyrrolidinesnumber of PyrrolidinesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2838nOxolanesnumber of OxolanesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2839ntH-Thiophenesnumber of tetrahydro-thiophenesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2840nPyrrolesnumber of PyrrolesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2841nPyrazolesnumber of PyrazolesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2842nImidazolesnumber of ImidazolesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2843nFuranesnumber of FuranesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2844nThiophenesnumber of ThiophenesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2845nOxazolesnumber of OxazolesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2846nIsoxazolesnumber of IsoxazolesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2847nThiazolesnumber of ThiazolesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2848nIsothiazolesnumber of IsothiazolesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2849nTriazolesnumber of TriazolesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2850nPyridinesnumber of PyridinesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2851nPyridazinesnumber of PyridazinesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2852nPyrimidinesnumber of PyrimidinesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2853nPyrazinesnumber of PyrazinesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2854n135-Triazinesnumber of 1-3-5-TriazinesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2855n124-Triazinesnumber of 1-2-4-TriazinesFunctional group countsBasic descriptors
2856nHDonnumber of donor atoms for H-bonds (N and O)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2857nHAccnumber of acceptor atoms for H-bonds (N,O,F)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2858nHBondsnumber of intramolecular H-bonds (with N,O,F)Functional group countsBasic descriptors
2859C-001CH3R / CH4Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2860C-002CH2R2Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2861C-003CHR3Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2862C-004CR4Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2863C-005CH3XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2864C-006CH2RXAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2865C-007CH2X2Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2866C-008CHR2XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2867C-009CHRX2Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2868C-010CHX3Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2869C-011CR3XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2870C-012CR2X2Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2871C-013CRX3Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2872C-014CX4Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2873C-015 =CH2Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2874C-016 =CHRAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2875C-017 =CR2Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2876C-018 =CHXAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2877C-019 =CRXAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2878C-020 =CX2Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2879C-021#CHAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2880C-022#CR / R=C=RAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2881C-023#CXAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2882C-024R--CH--RAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2883C-025R--CR--RAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2884C-026R--CX--RAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2885C-027R--CH--XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2886C-028R--CR--XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2887C-029R--CX--XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2888C-030X--CH--XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2889C-031X--CR--XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2890C-032X--CX--XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2891C-033R--CH..XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2892C-034R--CR..XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2893C-035R--CX..XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2894C-036Al-CH=XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2895C-037Ar-CH=XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2896C-038Al-C(=X)-AlAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2897C-039Ar-C(=X)-RAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2898C-040R-C(=X)-X / R-C#X / X=C=XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2899C-041X-C(=X)-XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2900C-042X--CH..XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2901C-043X--CR..XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2902C-044X--CX..XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2903H-046H attached to C0(sp3) no X attached to next CAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2904H-047H attached to C1(sp3)/C0(sp2)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2905H-048H attached to C2(sp3)/C1(sp2)/C0(sp)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2906H-049H attached to C3(sp3)/C2(sp2)/C3(sp2)/C3(sp)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2907H-050H attached to heteroatomAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2908H-051H attached to alpha-CAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2909H-052H attached to C0(sp3) with 1X attached to next CAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2910H-053H attached to C0(sp3) with 2X attached to next CAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2911H-054H attached to C0(sp3) with 3X attached to next CAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2912H-055H attached to C0(sp3) with 4X attached to next CAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2913O-056alcoholAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2914O-057phenol / enol / carboxyl OHAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2915O-058#NAME?Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2916O-059Al-O-AlAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2917O-060Al-O-Ar / Ar-O-Ar / R..O..R / R-O-C=XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2918O-061O--Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2919O-062O- (negatively charged)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2920O-063R-O-O-RAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2921Se-064Any-Se-AnyAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2922Se-065#NAME?Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2923N-066Al-NH2Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2924N-067Al2-NHAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2925N-068Al3-NAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2926N-069Ar-NH2 / X-NH2Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2927N-070Ar-NH-AlAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2928N-071Ar-NAl2Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2929N-072RCO-N< / >N-X=XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2930N-073Ar2NH / Ar3N / Ar2N-Al / R..N..RAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2931N-074R#N / R=N-Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2932N-075R--N--R / R--N--XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2933N-076Ar-NO2 / R--N(--R)--O / RO-NOAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2934N-077Al-NO2Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2935N-078Ar-N=X / X-N=XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2936N-079N+ (positively charged)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2937F-081F attached to C1(sp3)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2938F-082F attached to C2(sp3)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2939F-083F attached to C3(sp3)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2940F-084F attached to C1(sp2)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2941F-085F attached to C2(sp2)-C4(sp2)/C1(sp)/C4(sp3)/XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2942Cl-086Cl attached to C1(sp3)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2943Cl-087Cl attached to C2(sp3)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2944Cl-088Cl attached to C3(sp3)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2945Cl-089Cl attached to C1(sp2)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2946Cl-090Cl attached to C2(sp2)-C4(sp2)/C1(sp)/C4(sp3)/XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2947Br-091Br attached to C1(sp3)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2948Br-092Br attached to C2(sp3)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2949Br-093Br attached to C3(sp3)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2950Br-094Br attached to C1(sp2)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2951Br-095Br attached to C2(sp2)-C4(sp2)/C1(sp)/C4(sp3)/XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2952I-096I attached to C1(sp3)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2953I-097I attached to C2(sp3)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2954I-098I attached to C3(sp3)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2955I-099I attached to C1(sp2)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2956I-100I attached to C2(sp2)-C4(sp2)/C1(sp)/C4(sp3)/XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2957F-101fluoride ionAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2958Cl-102chloride ionAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2959Br-103bromide ionAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2960I-104iodide ionAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2961S-106R-SHAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2962S-107R2S / RS-SRAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2963S-108R=SAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2964S-109R-SO-RAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2965S-110R-SO2-RAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2966Si-111>Si<Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2967B-112>B- as in boranesAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2968P-115P ylidsAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2969P-116R3-P=XAtom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2970P-117X3-P=X (phosphate)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2971P-118PX3 (phosphite)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2972P-119PR3 (phosphine)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2973P-120C-P(X)2=X (phosphonate)Atom-centred fragmentsBasic descriptors
2974SsCH3Sum of sCH3 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2975SdCH2Sum of dCH2 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2976SssCH2Sum of ssCH2 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2977StCHSum of tCH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2978SdsCHSum of dsCH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2979SaaCHSum of aaCH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2980SsssCHSum of sssCH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2981SddCSum of ddC E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2982StsCSum of tsC E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2983SdssCSum of dssC E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2984SaasCSum of aasC E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2985SaaaCSum of aaaC E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2986SssssCSum of ssssC E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2987SsNH2Sum of sNH2 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2988SssNHSum of ssNH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2989SdNHSum of dNH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2990SsssNSum of sssN E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2991SdsNSum of dsN E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2992SaaNSum of aaN E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2993StNSum of tN E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2994SsNH3+Sum of sNH3+ E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2995SssNH2+Sum of ssNH2+ E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2996SdNH2+Sum of dNH2+ E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2997SsssNH+Sum of sssNH+ E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2998SssssN+Sum of ssssN+ E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
2999SddsNSum of ddsN E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3000SaadNSum of aadN E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3001SaasNSum of aasN E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3002SaaNHSum of aaNH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3003SsOHSum of sOH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3004SdOSum of dO E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3005SssOSum of ssO E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3006SaaOSum of aaO E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3007SsPH2Sum of sPH2 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3008SssPHSum of ssPH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3009SsssPSum of sssP E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3010SdsssPSum of dsssP E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3011SddsPSum of ddsP E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3012SsssssPSum of sssssP E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3013SsSHSum of sSH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3014SdSSum of dS E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3015SssSSum of ssS E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3016SaaSSum of aaS E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3017SdssSSum of dssS E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3018SddssSSum of ddssS E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3019SssssssSSum of ssssssS E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3020SsFSum of sF E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3021SsClSum of sCl E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3022SsBrSum of sBr E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3023SsISum of sI E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3024SsLiSum of sLi E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3025SssBeSum of ssBe E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3026SssssBe-Sum of ssssBe- E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3027SsBH2Sum of sBH2 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3028SssBHSum of ssBH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3029SsssBSum of sssB E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3030SssssB-Sum of ssssB- E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3031SsGeH3Sum of sGeH3 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3032SssGeH2Sum of ssGeH2 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3033SsssGeHSum of sssGeH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3034SssssGeSum of ssssGe E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3035SsAsH2Sum of sAsH2 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3036SssAsHSum of ssAsH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3037SsssAsSum of sssAs E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3038SsssssAsSum of sssssAs E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3039SdsssAsSum of dsssAs E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3040SddsAsSum of ddsAs E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3041SsSeHSum of sSeH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3042SdSeSum of dSe E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3043SssSeSum of ssSe E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3044SaaSeSum of aaSe E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3045SdssSeSum of dssSe E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3046SssssssSeSum of ssssssSe E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3047SddssSeSum of ddssSe E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3048SsSnH3Sum of sSnH3 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3049SssSnH2Sum of ssSnH2 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3050SsssSnHSum of sssSnH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3051SssssSnSum of ssssSn E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3052SsPbH3Sum of sPbH3 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3053SssPbH2Sum of ssPbH2 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3054SsssPbHSum of sssPbH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3055SssssPbSum of ssssPb E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3056SsSiH3Sum of sSiH3 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3057SssSiH2Sum of ssSiH2 E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3058SsssSiHSum of sssSiH E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3059SssssSiSum of ssssSi E-statesAtom-type E-state indicesE-State sums
3060NsCH3Number of atoms of type sCH3Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3061NdCH2Number of atoms of type dCH2Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3062NssCH2Number of atoms of type ssCH2Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3063NtCHNumber of atoms of type tCHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3064NdsCHNumber of atoms of type dsCHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3065NaaCHNumber of atoms of type aaCHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3066NsssCHNumber of atoms of type sssCHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3067NddCNumber of atoms of type ddCAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3068NtsCNumber of atoms of type tsCAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3069NdssCNumber of atoms of type dssCAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3070NaasCNumber of atoms of type aasCAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3071NaaaCNumber of atoms of type aaaCAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3072NssssCNumber of atoms of type ssssCAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3073NsNH2Number of atoms of type sNH2Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3074NssNHNumber of atoms of type ssNHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3075NdNHNumber of atoms of type dNHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3076NsssNNumber of atoms of type sssNAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3077NdsNNumber of atoms of type dsNAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3078NaaNNumber of atoms of type aaNAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3079NtNNumber of atoms of type tNAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3080NsNH3+Number of atoms of type sNH3+Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3081NssNH2+Number of atoms of type ssNH2+Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3082NdNH2+Number of atoms of type dNH2+Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3083NsssNH+Number of atoms of type sssNH+Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3084NssssN+Number of atoms of type ssssN+Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3085NddsNNumber of atoms of type ddsNAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3086NaadNNumber of atoms of type aadNAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3087NaasNNumber of atoms of type aasNAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3088NaaNHNumber of atoms of type aaNHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3089NsOHNumber of atoms of type sOHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3090NdONumber of atoms of type dOAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3091NssONumber of atoms of type ssOAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3092NaaONumber of atoms of type aaOAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3093NsPH2Number of atoms of type sPH2Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3094NssPHNumber of atoms of type ssPHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3095NsssPNumber of atoms of type sssPAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3096NdsssPNumber of atoms of type dsssPAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3097NddsPNumber of atoms of type ddsPAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3098NsssssPNumber of atoms of type sssssPAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3099NsSHNumber of atoms of type sSHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3100NdSNumber of atoms of type dSAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3101NssSNumber of atoms of type ssSAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3102NaaSNumber of atoms of type aaSAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3103NdssSNumber of atoms of type dssSAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3104NddssSNumber of atoms of type ddssSAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3105NssssssSNumber of atoms of type ssssssSAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3106NsFNumber of atoms of type sFAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3107NsClNumber of atoms of type sClAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3108NsBrNumber of atoms of type sBrAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3109NsINumber of atoms of type sIAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3110NsLiNumber of atoms of type sLiAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3111NssBeNumber of atoms of type ssBeAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3112NssssBe-Number of atoms of type ssssBe-Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3113NsBH2Number of atoms of type sBH2Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3114NssBHNumber of atoms of type ssBHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3115NsssBNumber of atoms of type sssBAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3116NssssB-Number of atoms of type ssssB-Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3117NsGeH3Number of atoms of type sGeH3Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3118NssGeH2Number of atoms of type ssGeH2Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3119NsssGeHNumber of atoms of type sssGeHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3120NssssGeNumber of atoms of type ssssGeAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3121NsAsH2Number of atoms of type sAsH2Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3122NssAsHNumber of atoms of type ssAsHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3123NsssAsNumber of atoms of type sssAsAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3124NsssssAsNumber of atoms of type sssssAsAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3125NdsssAsNumber of atoms of type dsssAsAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3126NddsAsNumber of atoms of type ddsAsAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3127NsSeHNumber of atoms of type sSeHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3128NdSeNumber of atoms of type dSeAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3129NssSeNumber of atoms of type ssSeAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3130NaaSeNumber of atoms of type aaSeAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3131NdssSeNumber of atoms of type dssSeAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3132NssssssSeNumber of atoms of type ssssssSeAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3133NddssSeNumber of atoms of type ddssSeAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3134NsSnH3Number of atoms of type sSnH3Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3135NssSnH2Number of atoms of type ssSnH2Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3136NsssSnHNumber of atoms of type sssSnHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3137NssssSnNumber of atoms of type ssssSnAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3138NsPbH3Number of atoms of type sPbH3Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3139NssPbH2Number of atoms of type ssPbH2Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3140NsssPbHNumber of atoms of type sssPbHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3141NssssPbNumber of atoms of type ssssPbAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3142NsSiH3Number of atoms of type sSiH3Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3143NssSiH2Number of atoms of type ssSiH2Atom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3144NsssSiHNumber of atoms of type sssSiHAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3145NssssSiNumber of atoms of type ssssSiAtom-type E-state indicesAtom-type counts
3146CATS2D_00_DDCATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3147CATS2D_01_DDCATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3148CATS2D_02_DDCATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3149CATS2D_03_DDCATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3150CATS2D_04_DDCATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3151CATS2D_05_DDCATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3152CATS2D_06_DDCATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3153CATS2D_07_DDCATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3154CATS2D_08_DDCATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3155CATS2D_09_DDCATS2D Donor-Donor at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3156CATS2D_00_DACATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3157CATS2D_01_DACATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3158CATS2D_02_DACATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3159CATS2D_03_DACATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3160CATS2D_04_DACATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3161CATS2D_05_DACATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3162CATS2D_06_DACATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3163CATS2D_07_DACATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3164CATS2D_08_DACATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3165CATS2D_09_DACATS2D Donor-Acceptor at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3166CATS2D_00_DPCATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3167CATS2D_01_DPCATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3168CATS2D_02_DPCATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3169CATS2D_03_DPCATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3170CATS2D_04_DPCATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3171CATS2D_05_DPCATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3172CATS2D_06_DPCATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3173CATS2D_07_DPCATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3174CATS2D_08_DPCATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3175CATS2D_09_DPCATS2D Donor-Positive at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3176CATS2D_00_DNCATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3177CATS2D_01_DNCATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3178CATS2D_02_DNCATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3179CATS2D_03_DNCATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3180CATS2D_04_DNCATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3181CATS2D_05_DNCATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3182CATS2D_06_DNCATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3183CATS2D_07_DNCATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3184CATS2D_08_DNCATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3185CATS2D_09_DNCATS2D Donor-Negative at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3186CATS2D_00_DLCATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3187CATS2D_01_DLCATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3188CATS2D_02_DLCATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3189CATS2D_03_DLCATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3190CATS2D_04_DLCATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3191CATS2D_05_DLCATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3192CATS2D_06_DLCATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3193CATS2D_07_DLCATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3194CATS2D_08_DLCATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3195CATS2D_09_DLCATS2D Donor-Lipophilic at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3196CATS2D_00_AACATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3197CATS2D_01_AACATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3198CATS2D_02_AACATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3199CATS2D_03_AACATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3200CATS2D_04_AACATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3201CATS2D_05_AACATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3202CATS2D_06_AACATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3203CATS2D_07_AACATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3204CATS2D_08_AACATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3205CATS2D_09_AACATS2D Acceptor-Acceptor at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3206CATS2D_00_APCATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3207CATS2D_01_APCATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3208CATS2D_02_APCATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3209CATS2D_03_APCATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3210CATS2D_04_APCATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3211CATS2D_05_APCATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3212CATS2D_06_APCATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3213CATS2D_07_APCATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3214CATS2D_08_APCATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3215CATS2D_09_APCATS2D Acceptor-Positive at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3216CATS2D_00_ANCATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3217CATS2D_01_ANCATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3218CATS2D_02_ANCATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3219CATS2D_03_ANCATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3220CATS2D_04_ANCATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3221CATS2D_05_ANCATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3222CATS2D_06_ANCATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3223CATS2D_07_ANCATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3224CATS2D_08_ANCATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3225CATS2D_09_ANCATS2D Acceptor-Negative at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3226CATS2D_00_ALCATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3227CATS2D_01_ALCATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3228CATS2D_02_ALCATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3229CATS2D_03_ALCATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3230CATS2D_04_ALCATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3231CATS2D_05_ALCATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3232CATS2D_06_ALCATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3233CATS2D_07_ALCATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3234CATS2D_08_ALCATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3235CATS2D_09_ALCATS2D Acceptor-Lipophilic at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3236CATS2D_00_PPCATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3237CATS2D_01_PPCATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3238CATS2D_02_PPCATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3239CATS2D_03_PPCATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3240CATS2D_04_PPCATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3241CATS2D_05_PPCATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3242CATS2D_06_PPCATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3243CATS2D_07_PPCATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3244CATS2D_08_PPCATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3245CATS2D_09_PPCATS2D Positive-Positive at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3246CATS2D_00_PNCATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3247CATS2D_01_PNCATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3248CATS2D_02_PNCATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3249CATS2D_03_PNCATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3250CATS2D_04_PNCATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3251CATS2D_05_PNCATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3252CATS2D_06_PNCATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3253CATS2D_07_PNCATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3254CATS2D_08_PNCATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3255CATS2D_09_PNCATS2D Positive-Negative at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3256CATS2D_00_PLCATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3257CATS2D_01_PLCATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3258CATS2D_02_PLCATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3259CATS2D_03_PLCATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3260CATS2D_04_PLCATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3261CATS2D_05_PLCATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3262CATS2D_06_PLCATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3263CATS2D_07_PLCATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3264CATS2D_08_PLCATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3265CATS2D_09_PLCATS2D Positive-Lipophilic at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3266CATS2D_00_NNCATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3267CATS2D_01_NNCATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3268CATS2D_02_NNCATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3269CATS2D_03_NNCATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3270CATS2D_04_NNCATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3271CATS2D_05_NNCATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3272CATS2D_06_NNCATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3273CATS2D_07_NNCATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3274CATS2D_08_NNCATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3275CATS2D_09_NNCATS2D Negative-Negative at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3276CATS2D_00_NLCATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3277CATS2D_01_NLCATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3278CATS2D_02_NLCATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3279CATS2D_03_NLCATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3280CATS2D_04_NLCATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3281CATS2D_05_NLCATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3282CATS2D_06_NLCATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3283CATS2D_07_NLCATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3284CATS2D_08_NLCATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3285CATS2D_09_NLCATS2D Negative-Lipophilic at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3286CATS2D_00_LLCATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 00Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3287CATS2D_01_LLCATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 01Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3288CATS2D_02_LLCATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 02Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3289CATS2D_03_LLCATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 03Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3290CATS2D_04_LLCATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 04Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3291CATS2D_05_LLCATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 05Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3292CATS2D_06_LLCATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 06Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3293CATS2D_07_LLCATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 07Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3294CATS2D_08_LLCATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 08Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3295CATS2D_09_LLCATS2D Lipophilic-Lipophilic at lag 09Pharmacophore descriptorsCATS 2D descriptors
3296SHED_DDSHED Donor-DonorPharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3297SHED_DASHED Donor-AcceptorPharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3298SHED_DPSHED Donor-PositivePharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3299SHED_DNSHED Donor-NegativePharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3300SHED_DLSHED Donor-LipophilicPharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3301SHED_AASHED Acceptor-AcceptorPharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3302SHED_APSHED Acceptor-PositivePharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3303SHED_ANSHED Acceptor-NegativePharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3304SHED_ALSHED Acceptor-LipophilicPharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3305SHED_PPSHED Positive-PositivePharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3306SHED_PNSHED Positive-NegativePharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3307SHED_PLSHED Positive-LipophilicPharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3308SHED_NNSHED Negative-NegativePharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3309SHED_NLSHED Negative-LipophilicPharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3310SHED_LLSHED Lipophilic-LipophilicPharmacophore descriptorsSHED descriptors
3311T(N..N)sum of topological distances between N..N2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3312T(N..O)sum of topological distances between N..O2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3313T(N..S)sum of topological distances between N..S2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3314T(N..P)sum of topological distances between N..P2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3315T(N..F)sum of topological distances between N..F2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3316T(N..Cl)sum of topological distances between N..Cl2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3317T(N..Br)sum of topological distances between N..Br2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3318T(N..I)sum of topological distances between N..I2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3319T(O..O)sum of topological distances between O..O2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3320T(O..S)sum of topological distances between O..S2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3321T(O..P)sum of topological distances between O..P2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3322T(O..F)sum of topological distances between O..F2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3323T(O..Cl)sum of topological distances between O..Cl2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3324T(O..Br)sum of topological distances between O..Br2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3325T(O..I)sum of topological distances between O..I2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3326T(S..S)sum of topological distances between S..S2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3327T(S..P)sum of topological distances between S..P2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3328T(S..F)sum of topological distances between S..F2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3329T(S..Cl)sum of topological distances between S..Cl2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3330T(S..Br)sum of topological distances between S..Br2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3331T(S..I)sum of topological distances between S..I2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3332T(P..P)sum of topological distances between P..P2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3333T(P..F)sum of topological distances between P..F2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3334T(P..Cl)sum of topological distances between P..Cl2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3335T(P..Br)sum of topological distances between P..Br2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3336T(P..I)sum of topological distances between P..I2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3337T(F..F)sum of topological distances between F..F2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3338T(F..Cl)sum of topological distances between F..Cl2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3339T(F..Br)sum of topological distances between F..Br2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3340T(F..I)sum of topological distances between F..I2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3341T(Cl..Cl)sum of topological distances between Cl..Cl2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3342T(Cl..Br)sum of topological distances between Cl..Br2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3343T(Cl..I)sum of topological distances between Cl..I2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3344T(Br..Br)sum of topological distances between Br..Br2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3345T(Br..I)sum of topological distances between Br..I2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3346T(I..I)sum of topological distances between I..I2D Atom PairsWeighted topological atom pairs
3347B01[C-C]Presence/absence of C - C at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3348B01[C-N]Presence/absence of C - N at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3349B01[C-O]Presence/absence of C - O at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3350B01[C-S]Presence/absence of C - S at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3351B01[C-P]Presence/absence of C - P at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3352B01[C-F]Presence/absence of C - F at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3353B01[C-Cl]Presence/absence of C - Cl at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3354B01[C-Br]Presence/absence of C - Br at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3355B01[C-I]Presence/absence of C - I at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3356B01[C-B]Presence/absence of C - B at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3357B01[C-Si]Presence/absence of C - Si at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3358B01[C-X]Presence/absence of C - X at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3359B01[N-N]Presence/absence of N - N at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3360B01[N-O]Presence/absence of N - O at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3361B01[N-S]Presence/absence of N - S at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3362B01[N-P]Presence/absence of N - P at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3363B01[N-F]Presence/absence of N - F at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3364B01[N-Cl]Presence/absence of N - Cl at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3365B01[N-Br]Presence/absence of N - Br at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3366B01[N-I]Presence/absence of N - I at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3367B01[N-B]Presence/absence of N - B at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3368B01[N-Si]Presence/absence of N - Si at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3369B01[N-X]Presence/absence of N - X at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3370B01[O-O]Presence/absence of O - O at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3371B01[O-S]Presence/absence of O - S at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3372B01[O-P]Presence/absence of O - P at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3373B01[O-F]Presence/absence of O - F at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3374B01[O-Cl]Presence/absence of O - Cl at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3375B01[O-Br]Presence/absence of O - Br at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3376B01[O-I]Presence/absence of O - I at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3377B01[O-B]Presence/absence of O - B at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3378B01[O-Si]Presence/absence of O - Si at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3379B01[O-X]Presence/absence of O - X at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3380B01[S-S]Presence/absence of S - S at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3381B01[S-P]Presence/absence of S - P at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3382B01[S-F]Presence/absence of S - F at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3383B01[S-Cl]Presence/absence of S - Cl at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3384B01[S-Br]Presence/absence of S - Br at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3385B01[S-I]Presence/absence of S - I at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3386B01[S-B]Presence/absence of S - B at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3387B01[S-Si]Presence/absence of S - Si at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3388B01[S-X]Presence/absence of S - X at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3389B01[P-P]Presence/absence of P - P at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3390B01[P-F]Presence/absence of P - F at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3391B01[P-Cl]Presence/absence of P - Cl at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3392B01[P-Br]Presence/absence of P - Br at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3393B01[P-I]Presence/absence of P - I at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3394B01[P-B]Presence/absence of P - B at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3395B01[P-Si]Presence/absence of P - Si at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3396B01[P-X]Presence/absence of P - X at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3397B01[F-F]Presence/absence of F - F at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3398B01[F-Cl]Presence/absence of F - Cl at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3399B01[F-Br]Presence/absence of F - Br at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3400B01[F-I]Presence/absence of F - I at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3401B01[F-B]Presence/absence of F - B at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3402B01[F-Si]Presence/absence of F - Si at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3403B01[F-X]Presence/absence of F - X at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3404B01[Cl-Cl]Presence/absence of Cl - Cl at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3405B01[Cl-Br]Presence/absence of Cl - Br at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3406B01[Cl-I]Presence/absence of Cl - I at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3407B01[Cl-B]Presence/absence of Cl - B at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3408B01[Cl-Si]Presence/absence of Cl - Si at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3409B01[Cl-X]Presence/absence of Cl - X at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3410B01[Br-Br]Presence/absence of Br - Br at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3411B01[Br-I]Presence/absence of Br - I at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3412B01[Br-B]Presence/absence of Br - B at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3413B01[Br-Si]Presence/absence of Br - Si at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3414B01[Br-X]Presence/absence of Br - X at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3415B01[I-I]Presence/absence of I - I at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3416B01[I-B]Presence/absence of I - B at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3417B01[I-Si]Presence/absence of I - Si at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3418B01[I-X]Presence/absence of I - X at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3419B01[B-B]Presence/absence of B - B at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3420B01[B-Si]Presence/absence of B - Si at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3421B01[B-X]Presence/absence of B - X at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3422B01[Si-Si]Presence/absence of Si - Si at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3423B01[Si-X]Presence/absence of Si - X at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3424B01[X-X]Presence/absence of X - X at topological distance 12D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 1
3425B02[C-C]Presence/absence of C - C at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3426B02[C-N]Presence/absence of C - N at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3427B02[C-O]Presence/absence of C - O at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3428B02[C-S]Presence/absence of C - S at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3429B02[C-P]Presence/absence of C - P at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3430B02[C-F]Presence/absence of C - F at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3431B02[C-Cl]Presence/absence of C - Cl at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3432B02[C-Br]Presence/absence of C - Br at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3433B02[C-I]Presence/absence of C - I at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3434B02[C-B]Presence/absence of C - B at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3435B02[C-Si]Presence/absence of C - Si at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3436B02[C-X]Presence/absence of C - X at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3437B02[N-N]Presence/absence of N - N at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3438B02[N-O]Presence/absence of N - O at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3439B02[N-S]Presence/absence of N - S at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3440B02[N-P]Presence/absence of N - P at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3441B02[N-F]Presence/absence of N - F at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3442B02[N-Cl]Presence/absence of N - Cl at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3443B02[N-Br]Presence/absence of N - Br at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3444B02[N-I]Presence/absence of N - I at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3445B02[N-B]Presence/absence of N - B at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3446B02[N-Si]Presence/absence of N - Si at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3447B02[N-X]Presence/absence of N - X at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3448B02[O-O]Presence/absence of O - O at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3449B02[O-S]Presence/absence of O - S at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3450B02[O-P]Presence/absence of O - P at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3451B02[O-F]Presence/absence of O - F at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3452B02[O-Cl]Presence/absence of O - Cl at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3453B02[O-Br]Presence/absence of O - Br at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3454B02[O-I]Presence/absence of O - I at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3455B02[O-B]Presence/absence of O - B at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3456B02[O-Si]Presence/absence of O - Si at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3457B02[O-X]Presence/absence of O - X at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3458B02[S-S]Presence/absence of S - S at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3459B02[S-P]Presence/absence of S - P at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3460B02[S-F]Presence/absence of S - F at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3461B02[S-Cl]Presence/absence of S - Cl at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3462B02[S-Br]Presence/absence of S - Br at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3463B02[S-I]Presence/absence of S - I at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3464B02[S-B]Presence/absence of S - B at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3465B02[S-Si]Presence/absence of S - Si at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3466B02[S-X]Presence/absence of S - X at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3467B02[P-P]Presence/absence of P - P at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3468B02[P-F]Presence/absence of P - F at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3469B02[P-Cl]Presence/absence of P - Cl at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3470B02[P-Br]Presence/absence of P - Br at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3471B02[P-I]Presence/absence of P - I at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3472B02[P-B]Presence/absence of P - B at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3473B02[P-Si]Presence/absence of P - Si at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3474B02[P-X]Presence/absence of P - X at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3475B02[F-F]Presence/absence of F - F at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3476B02[F-Cl]Presence/absence of F - Cl at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3477B02[F-Br]Presence/absence of F - Br at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3478B02[F-I]Presence/absence of F - I at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3479B02[F-B]Presence/absence of F - B at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3480B02[F-Si]Presence/absence of F - Si at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3481B02[F-X]Presence/absence of F - X at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3482B02[Cl-Cl]Presence/absence of Cl - Cl at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3483B02[Cl-Br]Presence/absence of Cl - Br at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3484B02[Cl-I]Presence/absence of Cl - I at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3485B02[Cl-B]Presence/absence of Cl - B at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3486B02[Cl-Si]Presence/absence of Cl - Si at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3487B02[Cl-X]Presence/absence of Cl - X at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3488B02[Br-Br]Presence/absence of Br - Br at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3489B02[Br-I]Presence/absence of Br - I at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3490B02[Br-B]Presence/absence of Br - B at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3491B02[Br-Si]Presence/absence of Br - Si at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3492B02[Br-X]Presence/absence of Br - X at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3493B02[I-I]Presence/absence of I - I at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3494B02[I-B]Presence/absence of I - B at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3495B02[I-Si]Presence/absence of I - Si at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3496B02[I-X]Presence/absence of I - X at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3497B02[B-B]Presence/absence of B - B at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3498B02[B-Si]Presence/absence of B - Si at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3499B02[B-X]Presence/absence of B - X at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3500B02[Si-Si]Presence/absence of Si - Si at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3501B02[Si-X]Presence/absence of Si - X at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3502B02[X-X]Presence/absence of X - X at topological distance 22D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 2
3503B03[C-C]Presence/absence of C - C at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3504B03[C-N]Presence/absence of C - N at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3505B03[C-O]Presence/absence of C - O at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3506B03[C-S]Presence/absence of C - S at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3507B03[C-P]Presence/absence of C - P at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3508B03[C-F]Presence/absence of C - F at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3509B03[C-Cl]Presence/absence of C - Cl at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3510B03[C-Br]Presence/absence of C - Br at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3511B03[C-I]Presence/absence of C - I at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3512B03[C-B]Presence/absence of C - B at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3513B03[C-Si]Presence/absence of C - Si at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3514B03[C-X]Presence/absence of C - X at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3515B03[N-N]Presence/absence of N - N at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3516B03[N-O]Presence/absence of N - O at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3517B03[N-S]Presence/absence of N - S at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3518B03[N-P]Presence/absence of N - P at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3519B03[N-F]Presence/absence of N - F at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3520B03[N-Cl]Presence/absence of N - Cl at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3521B03[N-Br]Presence/absence of N - Br at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3522B03[N-I]Presence/absence of N - I at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3523B03[N-B]Presence/absence of N - B at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3524B03[N-Si]Presence/absence of N - Si at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3525B03[N-X]Presence/absence of N - X at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3526B03[O-O]Presence/absence of O - O at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3527B03[O-S]Presence/absence of O - S at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3528B03[O-P]Presence/absence of O - P at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3529B03[O-F]Presence/absence of O - F at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3530B03[O-Cl]Presence/absence of O - Cl at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3531B03[O-Br]Presence/absence of O - Br at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3532B03[O-I]Presence/absence of O - I at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3533B03[O-B]Presence/absence of O - B at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3534B03[O-Si]Presence/absence of O - Si at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3535B03[O-X]Presence/absence of O - X at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3536B03[S-S]Presence/absence of S - S at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3537B03[S-P]Presence/absence of S - P at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3538B03[S-F]Presence/absence of S - F at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3539B03[S-Cl]Presence/absence of S - Cl at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3540B03[S-Br]Presence/absence of S - Br at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3541B03[S-I]Presence/absence of S - I at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3542B03[S-B]Presence/absence of S - B at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3543B03[S-Si]Presence/absence of S - Si at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3544B03[S-X]Presence/absence of S - X at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3545B03[P-P]Presence/absence of P - P at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3546B03[P-F]Presence/absence of P - F at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3547B03[P-Cl]Presence/absence of P - Cl at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3548B03[P-Br]Presence/absence of P - Br at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3549B03[P-I]Presence/absence of P - I at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3550B03[P-B]Presence/absence of P - B at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3551B03[P-Si]Presence/absence of P - Si at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3552B03[P-X]Presence/absence of P - X at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3553B03[F-F]Presence/absence of F - F at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3554B03[F-Cl]Presence/absence of F - Cl at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3555B03[F-Br]Presence/absence of F - Br at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3556B03[F-I]Presence/absence of F - I at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3557B03[F-B]Presence/absence of F - B at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3558B03[F-Si]Presence/absence of F - Si at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3559B03[F-X]Presence/absence of F - X at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3560B03[Cl-Cl]Presence/absence of Cl - Cl at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3561B03[Cl-Br]Presence/absence of Cl - Br at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3562B03[Cl-I]Presence/absence of Cl - I at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3563B03[Cl-B]Presence/absence of Cl - B at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3564B03[Cl-Si]Presence/absence of Cl - Si at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3565B03[Cl-X]Presence/absence of Cl - X at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3566B03[Br-Br]Presence/absence of Br - Br at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3567B03[Br-I]Presence/absence of Br - I at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3568B03[Br-B]Presence/absence of Br - B at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3569B03[Br-Si]Presence/absence of Br - Si at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3570B03[Br-X]Presence/absence of Br - X at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3571B03[I-I]Presence/absence of I - I at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3572B03[I-B]Presence/absence of I - B at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3573B03[I-Si]Presence/absence of I - Si at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3574B03[I-X]Presence/absence of I - X at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3575B03[B-B]Presence/absence of B - B at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3576B03[B-Si]Presence/absence of B - Si at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3577B03[B-X]Presence/absence of B - X at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3578B03[Si-Si]Presence/absence of Si - Si at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3579B03[Si-X]Presence/absence of Si - X at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3580B03[X-X]Presence/absence of X - X at topological distance 32D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 3
3581B04[C-C]Presence/absence of C - C at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3582B04[C-N]Presence/absence of C - N at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3583B04[C-O]Presence/absence of C - O at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3584B04[C-S]Presence/absence of C - S at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3585B04[C-P]Presence/absence of C - P at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3586B04[C-F]Presence/absence of C - F at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3587B04[C-Cl]Presence/absence of C - Cl at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3588B04[C-Br]Presence/absence of C - Br at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3589B04[C-I]Presence/absence of C - I at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3590B04[C-B]Presence/absence of C - B at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3591B04[C-Si]Presence/absence of C - Si at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3592B04[C-X]Presence/absence of C - X at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3593B04[N-N]Presence/absence of N - N at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3594B04[N-O]Presence/absence of N - O at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3595B04[N-S]Presence/absence of N - S at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3596B04[N-P]Presence/absence of N - P at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3597B04[N-F]Presence/absence of N - F at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3598B04[N-Cl]Presence/absence of N - Cl at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3599B04[N-Br]Presence/absence of N - Br at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3600B04[N-I]Presence/absence of N - I at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3601B04[N-B]Presence/absence of N - B at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3602B04[N-Si]Presence/absence of N - Si at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3603B04[N-X]Presence/absence of N - X at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3604B04[O-O]Presence/absence of O - O at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3605B04[O-S]Presence/absence of O - S at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3606B04[O-P]Presence/absence of O - P at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3607B04[O-F]Presence/absence of O - F at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3608B04[O-Cl]Presence/absence of O - Cl at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3609B04[O-Br]Presence/absence of O - Br at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3610B04[O-I]Presence/absence of O - I at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3611B04[O-B]Presence/absence of O - B at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3612B04[O-Si]Presence/absence of O - Si at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3613B04[O-X]Presence/absence of O - X at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3614B04[S-S]Presence/absence of S - S at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3615B04[S-P]Presence/absence of S - P at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3616B04[S-F]Presence/absence of S - F at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3617B04[S-Cl]Presence/absence of S - Cl at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3618B04[S-Br]Presence/absence of S - Br at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3619B04[S-I]Presence/absence of S - I at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3620B04[S-B]Presence/absence of S - B at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3621B04[S-Si]Presence/absence of S - Si at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3622B04[S-X]Presence/absence of S - X at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3623B04[P-P]Presence/absence of P - P at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3624B04[P-F]Presence/absence of P - F at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3625B04[P-Cl]Presence/absence of P - Cl at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3626B04[P-Br]Presence/absence of P - Br at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3627B04[P-I]Presence/absence of P - I at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3628B04[P-B]Presence/absence of P - B at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3629B04[P-Si]Presence/absence of P - Si at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3630B04[P-X]Presence/absence of P - X at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3631B04[F-F]Presence/absence of F - F at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3632B04[F-Cl]Presence/absence of F - Cl at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3633B04[F-Br]Presence/absence of F - Br at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3634B04[F-I]Presence/absence of F - I at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3635B04[F-B]Presence/absence of F - B at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3636B04[F-Si]Presence/absence of F - Si at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3637B04[F-X]Presence/absence of F - X at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3638B04[Cl-Cl]Presence/absence of Cl - Cl at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3639B04[Cl-Br]Presence/absence of Cl - Br at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3640B04[Cl-I]Presence/absence of Cl - I at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3641B04[Cl-B]Presence/absence of Cl - B at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3642B04[Cl-Si]Presence/absence of Cl - Si at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3643B04[Cl-X]Presence/absence of Cl - X at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3644B04[Br-Br]Presence/absence of Br - Br at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3645B04[Br-I]Presence/absence of Br - I at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3646B04[Br-B]Presence/absence of Br - B at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3647B04[Br-Si]Presence/absence of Br - Si at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3648B04[Br-X]Presence/absence of Br - X at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3649B04[I-I]Presence/absence of I - I at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3650B04[I-B]Presence/absence of I - B at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3651B04[I-Si]Presence/absence of I - Si at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3652B04[I-X]Presence/absence of I - X at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3653B04[B-B]Presence/absence of B - B at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3654B04[B-Si]Presence/absence of B - Si at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3655B04[B-X]Presence/absence of B - X at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3656B04[Si-Si]Presence/absence of Si - Si at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3657B04[Si-X]Presence/absence of Si - X at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3658B04[X-X]Presence/absence of X - X at topological distance 42D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 4
3659B05[C-C]Presence/absence of C - C at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3660B05[C-N]Presence/absence of C - N at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3661B05[C-O]Presence/absence of C - O at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3662B05[C-S]Presence/absence of C - S at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3663B05[C-P]Presence/absence of C - P at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3664B05[C-F]Presence/absence of C - F at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3665B05[C-Cl]Presence/absence of C - Cl at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3666B05[C-Br]Presence/absence of C - Br at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3667B05[C-I]Presence/absence of C - I at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3668B05[C-B]Presence/absence of C - B at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3669B05[C-Si]Presence/absence of C - Si at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3670B05[C-X]Presence/absence of C - X at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3671B05[N-N]Presence/absence of N - N at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3672B05[N-O]Presence/absence of N - O at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3673B05[N-S]Presence/absence of N - S at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3674B05[N-P]Presence/absence of N - P at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3675B05[N-F]Presence/absence of N - F at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3676B05[N-Cl]Presence/absence of N - Cl at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3677B05[N-Br]Presence/absence of N - Br at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3678B05[N-I]Presence/absence of N - I at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3679B05[N-B]Presence/absence of N - B at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3680B05[N-Si]Presence/absence of N - Si at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3681B05[N-X]Presence/absence of N - X at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3682B05[O-O]Presence/absence of O - O at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3683B05[O-S]Presence/absence of O - S at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3684B05[O-P]Presence/absence of O - P at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3685B05[O-F]Presence/absence of O - F at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3686B05[O-Cl]Presence/absence of O - Cl at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3687B05[O-Br]Presence/absence of O - Br at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3688B05[O-I]Presence/absence of O - I at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3689B05[O-B]Presence/absence of O - B at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3690B05[O-Si]Presence/absence of O - Si at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3691B05[O-X]Presence/absence of O - X at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3692B05[S-S]Presence/absence of S - S at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3693B05[S-P]Presence/absence of S - P at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3694B05[S-F]Presence/absence of S - F at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3695B05[S-Cl]Presence/absence of S - Cl at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3696B05[S-Br]Presence/absence of S - Br at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3697B05[S-I]Presence/absence of S - I at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3698B05[S-B]Presence/absence of S - B at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3699B05[S-Si]Presence/absence of S - Si at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3700B05[S-X]Presence/absence of S - X at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3701B05[P-P]Presence/absence of P - P at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3702B05[P-F]Presence/absence of P - F at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3703B05[P-Cl]Presence/absence of P - Cl at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3704B05[P-Br]Presence/absence of P - Br at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3705B05[P-I]Presence/absence of P - I at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3706B05[P-B]Presence/absence of P - B at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3707B05[P-Si]Presence/absence of P - Si at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3708B05[P-X]Presence/absence of P - X at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3709B05[F-F]Presence/absence of F - F at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3710B05[F-Cl]Presence/absence of F - Cl at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3711B05[F-Br]Presence/absence of F - Br at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3712B05[F-I]Presence/absence of F - I at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3713B05[F-B]Presence/absence of F - B at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3714B05[F-Si]Presence/absence of F - Si at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3715B05[F-X]Presence/absence of F - X at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3716B05[Cl-Cl]Presence/absence of Cl - Cl at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3717B05[Cl-Br]Presence/absence of Cl - Br at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3718B05[Cl-I]Presence/absence of Cl - I at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3719B05[Cl-B]Presence/absence of Cl - B at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3720B05[Cl-Si]Presence/absence of Cl - Si at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3721B05[Cl-X]Presence/absence of Cl - X at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3722B05[Br-Br]Presence/absence of Br - Br at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3723B05[Br-I]Presence/absence of Br - I at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3724B05[Br-B]Presence/absence of Br - B at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3725B05[Br-Si]Presence/absence of Br - Si at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3726B05[Br-X]Presence/absence of Br - X at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3727B05[I-I]Presence/absence of I - I at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3728B05[I-B]Presence/absence of I - B at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3729B05[I-Si]Presence/absence of I - Si at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3730B05[I-X]Presence/absence of I - X at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3731B05[B-B]Presence/absence of B - B at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3732B05[B-Si]Presence/absence of B - Si at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3733B05[B-X]Presence/absence of B - X at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3734B05[Si-Si]Presence/absence of Si - Si at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3735B05[Si-X]Presence/absence of Si - X at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3736B05[X-X]Presence/absence of X - X at topological distance 52D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 5
3737B06[C-C]Presence/absence of C - C at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3738B06[C-N]Presence/absence of C - N at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3739B06[C-O]Presence/absence of C - O at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3740B06[C-S]Presence/absence of C - S at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3741B06[C-P]Presence/absence of C - P at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3742B06[C-F]Presence/absence of C - F at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3743B06[C-Cl]Presence/absence of C - Cl at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3744B06[C-Br]Presence/absence of C - Br at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3745B06[C-I]Presence/absence of C - I at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3746B06[C-B]Presence/absence of C - B at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3747B06[C-Si]Presence/absence of C - Si at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3748B06[C-X]Presence/absence of C - X at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3749B06[N-N]Presence/absence of N - N at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3750B06[N-O]Presence/absence of N - O at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3751B06[N-S]Presence/absence of N - S at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3752B06[N-P]Presence/absence of N - P at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3753B06[N-F]Presence/absence of N - F at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3754B06[N-Cl]Presence/absence of N - Cl at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3755B06[N-Br]Presence/absence of N - Br at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3756B06[N-I]Presence/absence of N - I at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3757B06[N-B]Presence/absence of N - B at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3758B06[N-Si]Presence/absence of N - Si at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3759B06[N-X]Presence/absence of N - X at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3760B06[O-O]Presence/absence of O - O at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3761B06[O-S]Presence/absence of O - S at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3762B06[O-P]Presence/absence of O - P at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3763B06[O-F]Presence/absence of O - F at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3764B06[O-Cl]Presence/absence of O - Cl at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3765B06[O-Br]Presence/absence of O - Br at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3766B06[O-I]Presence/absence of O - I at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3767B06[O-B]Presence/absence of O - B at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3768B06[O-Si]Presence/absence of O - Si at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3769B06[O-X]Presence/absence of O - X at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3770B06[S-S]Presence/absence of S - S at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3771B06[S-P]Presence/absence of S - P at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3772B06[S-F]Presence/absence of S - F at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3773B06[S-Cl]Presence/absence of S - Cl at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3774B06[S-Br]Presence/absence of S - Br at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3775B06[S-I]Presence/absence of S - I at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3776B06[S-B]Presence/absence of S - B at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3777B06[S-Si]Presence/absence of S - Si at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3778B06[S-X]Presence/absence of S - X at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3779B06[P-P]Presence/absence of P - P at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3780B06[P-F]Presence/absence of P - F at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3781B06[P-Cl]Presence/absence of P - Cl at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3782B06[P-Br]Presence/absence of P - Br at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3783B06[P-I]Presence/absence of P - I at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3784B06[P-B]Presence/absence of P - B at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3785B06[P-Si]Presence/absence of P - Si at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3786B06[P-X]Presence/absence of P - X at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3787B06[F-F]Presence/absence of F - F at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3788B06[F-Cl]Presence/absence of F - Cl at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3789B06[F-Br]Presence/absence of F - Br at topological distance 62D Atom PairsBinary Atom Pairs of order 6
3790B06[F-I]Presence/absence o