Web-services allow advanced users to use part of the OCHEM functionality in their automated workflows, such as KNIME or Pipeline pilot.
OCHEM provides a SOAP web-service that allows to create and apply predictive models as well as to upload data.
WSDL descriptor for the service can be found at http://ochem.eu/services/ModelService?wsdl
Based on this WSDL, you can assemble your own clients or invoke the web-service via, e.g., KNIME.
Please note, that web-service API can change and you will have to recompile your client.
The functionality exposed viaĆ web-services include:
Some methods exposed via web-service require user authenification (session GUID).
The session GUID can be obtained from OCHEM web site. For this, login to your OCHEM account, go to you account page ("My Account") in the top right corner and copy the session GUID as shown below:
Download an exemplary JAVA client
The client's code was automatically generated with Axis WSDL2Java Utility.